Will Anwar ever be PM?

Narinder Singh, Berita Daily Now that Anwar Ibrahim is a free man, the burning question is: When will Anwar be the next prime minister, replacing Dr Mahathir Mohamad? Though he has to go…

The fall of the corrupt

Tricia Yeoh, The Sun Daily In Ayi Kwei Armah's book, The Beautyful Ones are Not Yet Born, the protagonist is a civil servant who chooses not to take bribes for favours at the expense of his…

Will Anwar and Mahathir clash again?

The relationship between the two may not be all that rosy as one may think, as the undercurrents may just swell into trouble Narinder Singh, Berita Daily PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim is due…

Wealth redistribution?

Kua Kia Soong. The Sun Daily CONSIDERING the cost of living and deteriorating income inequality in our country contributed to the sacking of the Barisan Nasional government, one wonders first…

The beginning of a new chapter

Wong Chun Wai, The Star THE country’s general election just ended, the victors in jubilant mood and the losers still shell-shocked by the trouncing. The message from Malaysians, cutting across…

It is a Mahathir tsunami

Joceline Tan, The Star IT has been a rollercoaster week in politics. For some politicians it has been the most euphoric ride of their life, for others a ride through hell. As for…

Tasting the power of true democracy

Azmi Sharom, The Star IT is 4pm on May 10 as I write this. I have turned off my phone as it has been incessantly buzzing for the past 24 hours. Moments ago, different groups of friends were…

A new dawn for democracy?

Tunku Zain Al-’Abidin, Malay Mail Online The ninth of May 2018 will be etched in the memories of those who enabled and witnessed Malaysian political history. The initial stirrings of concern…

A 50:50 race

Whoever wins the elections, it is undeniable that to Umno, significant damage has been done as cracks have appeared in its once powerful fortresses while its leaders suffer irreversible damage of…

Unpredictable times in Kedah

Others think that Kedah is about to swing again. Joceline Tan, The Star DATUK Seri Ahmad Bashah Md Hanipah started out confident that he could secure a two-thirds majority in Kedah for…

The end is near

Karamjit Gill The frenzy of predictions for soccer games as the weekend approaches is nothing compared to the zeal that’s buzzing nationwide for the upcoming general elections. Termed the ‘Battle…

The limits to identity politics in GE14

This election appears to be a battle between mirror images: a Mahathir–Anwar-Nik Aziz (represented here by Nik Omar) coalition versus another partnership of Najib Razak and Hadi Awang—all former…

Vitriol not valid or vital

Wong Chun Wai, The Star THERE’S something toxic about politics in Malaysia that can throw logic and good grace out the window, as exemplified by the current heated general election campaign.…

Venturing into the lion’s den

Joceline Tan, The Star TUN Dr Mahathir Mohamad went into the lion’s den on Wednesday, stopping right in front of the Umno building in Pekan town. He posed for selfies with some passers-by as…

Civility Goes to the Dogs for GE14

Karamjit Gill We have often heard Malaysians been ridiculed for poor driving etiquette. Based on data by the World Health Organisation (WHO), Malaysia was ranked the 10th worst globally. Not long…

Why BN, you asked?

Goh Wei Liang, Malay Mail Online Yesterday I saw on Twitter a post that was retweeted by Marina Mahathir. The tweet said “If u make below RM2000/month, you are poor. When you are poor, you…

The faint signs of Malay Tsunami

BN only needs to win 50% of the smallest 112 seats in the country which collectively make up only 33% of all voters, meaning only 16.5% of votes are needed for BN to win the elections. Lim Sue…

Neither game-over nor sure win

Joceline Tan, The Star FROM the outside looking in, it seems like the incumbent Datuk Seri Mah Siew Keong of Barisan Nasional is a goner in Teluk Intan. The Gerakan president is fighting…

Stormy days in land below the wind

Philip Golingai and Muguntan Vanar, The Star Sabah’s importance as Barisan Nasional’s fixed deposit has been underlined by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak. The state is his first stop…

No more dramatic comedy in Kuantan

Philip Golingai, The Star A FEW years before GE13, villagers from Kampung Balok, along the coast of Kuantan, were alarmed when the Opposition told them that a radioactive plant would be built…