Eric See: The 20 Records of DAP Penang

(The Coverage) - 1. First state where the sitting Chief Minister is charged for 2 counts of corruption but still refuses to resign. 2. First DAP Sec-Gen who refuses to attend a much-publicized…

Malaysia Plagued by Double Standards

Karamjit Gill The Crown Prince of Johor voiced his concern regarding Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad’s vision of becoming the prime minister again. Unfortunately, the keyboard warriors supporting the…

SST, a net loss to consumers

Firdaos Rosli, NST THE idea to abolish the Good and Services Tax (GST) is mired in confusion. First, there was an idea to “zerorise” it, but this author argued that such a move is dissimilar to…

History Will Come Back to Haunt Us

Karamjit Gill Most people have heard one version or another of the following quote, “Remember, what you do now will come back and haunt you in the future. Life has a funny way of making you…

The palace factor in Johor politics

But all that political chatter surrounding the Mentri Besar’s post is a lesson for political parties in states where there is a Malay Ruler. Whoever wins, the candidate has to be agreeable to the…

What it means to be Chinese

The basic Chinese character traits are drilled into our consciousness from a young age. We have to be determined and we have to work hard, nurture our entrepreneurial instincts, and respect our…

The 10 sins of Pakatan Harapan leaders

Here are the 10 sins of Pakatan Harapan leaders. Cheah Sin Chong, Berita Daily 1. Kleptocracy This word which means a ruler stealing from its people has been used on Najib Razak and BN as…

In fair elections, size does matter

In smaller constituencies, it is easier for a party to win the election because it will take fewer votes. Thus, each individual vote carries more weight compared to a vote in a much larger…

Hungry for power in Kedah

Kedah is bracing for a battle of coalitions and multi-cornered fights galore. There are 1.2 million voters in the state and they will be spoilt for choice this time around. Joceline Tan, The…

Something to talk about

Wong Chun Wai, The Star IF there’s one job that requires no experience, qualification, and certainly no age limit, it’s that of a politician. You can be an elected Member of Parliament,…

Blue and green fight in Kedah

Joceline Tan, The Star THE sky was a brilliant blue and this is the time of the year when a beautiful breeze sweeps across the padi fields of Kedah from morning to night. It was perfect weather…

Change under Mahathir, seriously?

Karamjit Gill, Free Malaysia Today Renowned scientist Thomas Henry Huxley once said, “The results of political changes are hardly ever those which their friends hope or their foes fear.”…

Young Turks face off in pendulum seat

Joceline Tan, The Star “CALL me Ah Chong” – that was how Deputy Education Minister Datuk Chong Sin Woon introduced himself to the folk in Seremban at an event a year ago. It was Chong’s way…

Here’s why PSM is going it alone

Pakatan Harapan was formed on September 22, 2015. PSM was not included. When civil movement leaders Ambiga Sreenevasan and Maria Chin asked why PSM was excluded, PH said it was because PSM did not…

Not feeling the mood yet

Joceline Tan, The Star THE man he sacked almost 20 years ago is still the albatross around Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s neck. In an interview with Sin Chew Daily that ran over three full pages,…

The theories of GE14

Philip Golingai, The Star THE year was 1990. The Opposition coalition led by Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah was seemingly cruising to a victory over Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s Barisan Nasional in the…

A battle for their hearts and minds

Joceline Tan, The Star A FEW days ago, DAP lawmaker Yeo Bee Yin bid a tearful farewell to her supporters in Damansara Utama when she confirmed that she would be moving from Selangor to contest…

Dipping unwittingly into danger

Wong Chun Wai, The Star TWO prominent activists, Bersih 2.0 chairman Maria Chin Abdullah and Institute For Demo­cracy and Economic Affairs (Ideas) think-tank chief executive officer Wan Saiful…

Dragons to clash in Ayer Hitam

Pakatan Harapan was initially banking on Pribumi president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin to bring on the “wow” factor, but it has not happened, so Liew had to take the lead. Joceline Tan, The Star…