Tiada paksaan dalam agama?

Tiap-tiap minggu, ada sahaja berita yang memberi gambaran negatif tentang Islam di Malaysia. Farouk A. Peru, Free Malaysia Today Baru-baru ini, seorang usahawan kosmetik dipanggil Jabatan…

GE14: How will Chinese vote?

The Chinese community knows that the Pakatan machinery has been working in Malay areas to fish for support, assuming support from Chinese voters is in the bag. Azman Abdul Hamid is BH…

The Pakatan Harapan logic

Raja Petra Kamarudin, Malaysia Outlook A week ago, one-time PKR Deputy President Abdul Rahman Othman, aka ARO, said if you are not a member of one of the four Pakatan Harapan parties — DAP,…

The undoing of Pakatan

This is Pakatan Harapan's problem and why they will lose voters more than they gain. Primarily, it is because the Malays don't vote for persona, they vote for brands – we have seen this with…

Undercurrents in Selangor over Dr M

Joceline Tan, The Star THE dust has yet to settle in Pakatan Harapan over the naming of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad as their prime minister nominee. The coalition turned an important corner in…

The trouble with a bubble

One Man's Meat, The Star IN my political bubbles, the Oppo­sition has won GE14. I’ve got two political bubbles. One comprises urban, middle-class people in the Klang Valley. Those in the…

The Pakatan Convention aftermath

(MMO) - If Pakatan loses out at federal but Selangor Pakatan under Azmin holds on to the state, he can claim leadership of Pakatan and chart the path to the 15th General Election. Dr M is now…

Creator of an unanalytical society

It makes no sense therefore to vote for a party based on one relatively minor issue with the hope they will do things differently with regard to all the other major issues they have been…

Karpal’s dream goes up in smoke

The spectacle of being an interim prime minister awaiting a royal pardon for the release of Anwar Ibrahim and then stepping down is as foolish as swimming in a river of crocodiles and expecting not…

Pakatan’s prime problem

The biggest problem with Pakatan’s proposal is not Dr Mahathir. Emmanuel Joseph, The Malaysian Insight PAKATAN Harapan has chosen their champion(s) to take on the Barisan Nasional, or…

Let the games begin

Wong Chun Wai, The Star IBRAHIM Suffian, who has made a name for himself for his many surveys, walks a fine line. He gets shot at each time the findings of a survey don’t favour a particular…

Anwar not in favour of Dr M as PM

Joceline Tan, The Star A poster of a Pakatan Harapan Cabinet featuring Datuk Seri Azmin Ali as the Prime Minister has gone viral. The line-up with the tagline “Muda, Dinamik, Wibawa” (young,…

Ruling a divided Malaysia

(Aliran) - Hadi’s proposal of an all-Muslim-Malay cabinet is a blatant and dangerous denial of the fact that Malaysia is founded on diverse ethnic communities, cultures and religions, write …

Is courtesy extinct?

Because would they know what happens to those who have never heard about the true teachings of Islam? Or those who are repulsed by one which is misrepresented by ill-behaved, ill-informed Muslims?…

Mahathir must state what he is sorry for

Before I could respond to Mahathir’s supposed apology, he had already “de-apologised”! All the excited crypto-Mahathiristas who had hailed this mother of hollow apologies were quickly left…

A year when elephants clashed

Joceline Tan, The Star THE Prime Minister is an active Twitter user. Apart from work and government affairs, his tweets have extended to glimpses into the social side of his life. There have…

Aiming to be a thorn to Umno

Joceline Tan, The Star EVERYTHING looked familiar yet not so familiar at Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia's (Pribumi) first annual general assembly (AGM) — from the personalities to the videos…

Fighting one too many fires

Joceline Tan, The Star IT was quite an awkward moment when their paths crossed after Friday prayers at the Putrajaya mosque earlier this month. But Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi made the…

Why the Kluang MP is in denial

Hafidz Baharom, TMI I READ Liew Chin Tong’s letter lambasting analysts for being biased and justifying a Barisan Nasional victory. In fact, just the day before, Bersatu’s strategic director did…

When they go low, do we go lower?

Boo Su-Lyn, Malay Mail Online I was disappointed to read that DAP’s women and youth wings had lodged a police report against Wanita Umno leader Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil for calling DAP…