It’s not about modesty

If people really wanted to protect women from dishonour, then men themselves should respect women Boo Su-Lyn, The Malay Mail Online Perhaps the most disturbing thing about the strange…

Open house politics in Kelantan

Lim had apparently committed a faux pas. Husam used to be a rising star in PAS but his political career has nose-dived. Everyone in Kelantan knows that he is persona non grata with the palace. The…

It’s not just about winning seats

While many have commented on PAS as a political party, PAS sees itself primarily as an Islamic movement. For PAS, its actual roles are divided into three: propagating Islam (da’wah), educating…

Mahathir the scandal king

Johor Bahru MP Shahrir Samad who supported the so-called Team B during the Umno infighting in 1987, had been previously reported as saying that corruption, nepotism and the widening wealth gap…

Feb date for general elections?

The next general election will be taking place in a world that has not been this uncertain since Sept 11, 2001.   Joceline Tan, The Star REPORTERS at The Star were told to try and clear…

New heights of China’s rise

Munir Majid, The Star ONE of the striking features of the map in China’s Belt and Road initiative is that America is not on it. This is not necessarily intentional, because the routes that…

GE14: The local tipping points

Praba Ganesan, Malay Mail Online Tip O’Neill is attributed with the saying, “All politics is local.” I understand we currently are not fans of meddlesome Americans, but perhaps our country’s…

Undercurrents over PM post

Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim showed magnanimity in declaring that he is no longer the opposition coalition’s prime minister candidate but was he also telling Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad to follow suit?…

The rise and spectacular fall of Isa

Tan Sri Mohd Isa Samad’s old school style of politics helped him survive in Umno but he was less prepared for the new century political landscape and the challenge of running the business of…

Message from the drawer

All politicians are similar. They are only thinking of press freedom with favorable news on them. If the media are giving extensive coverage on negative news of their opponents, they are seen as…

This Pakatan drama is getting tiring

I cannot imagine how they will run a country. Every time a difficult question comes up in a Cabinet meeting, would they call for a coffee break while waiting for the postman to arrive? Wan…

There is a thief among us, Tok Imam!

You steal one day and you get rid of the sin the next by attending terawih prayers. Fa Abdul, Free Malaysia Today My dad has been visiting our neighbourhood mosque for terawih throughout the…

The Legacy of Tun Razak’s Oldest Son

In a civil suit, unlike a criminal trial, the burden of proof is lower, only the “preponderance of evidence” and not “beyond reasonable doubt.” The burden of proof also shifts from the plaintiff…

Of arrogance and hegemony

The tourism tax issue unexpectedly puts the Sarawak BN on the same side as the opposition parties for the first time. Along with the general public, it seems that all fingers are now pointed at…

Why a youth tsunami may not happen

Hafidz Baharom, The Sun Daily WITH the UK general election just over, talk is that a similar situation can be to the benefit of Pakatan Harapan – a so-called "Youth Tsunami", as experienced by…

Tax is not the problem, tact is

This Nazri-Karim episode has little, indeed nothing, to do with the so-called hotel tax Abdar Rahman Koya, Free Malaysia Today It is not every day that we hear Malaysian politicians ignore…

The many levels of truth

Knowledge and truth are as malleable as the cerebral fancy of man’s intellect fashioned by the cognisance of his ontological self within the existence of various cosmic dimensions. Dr. Mohamed…

Goodbye wordsmith Rehman Rashid

A lover of words, the journalist and author would express outrage whenever someone used words wrongly. By A. Kathirasen, Free Malaysia Today Rehman Rashid, who died on June 3, 2017, loved…

Remembering the Double Six victims

As the anniversary of the tragic plane crash approaches, family and friends ponder its impact on Sabah’s history. Philip Golingai, The Star FIVE-year-old Iskandar Salleh was playing in his…

When national pride is too costly

Malaysia is not losing anything with the sale of a 49.9% equity in Proton to a strategic partner  Wong Chun Wai, The Star LET’S be frank – it isn’t wrong to suggest that most Malaysians have…