We are Malaysian too

Whether they like it or not, whether they accept it or not, we are not “pendatangs” but full and proud citizens like anyone else and we don’t have to prove anything to anyone anymore. Dennis…

Tide has turned for Najib

The Opposition claim that Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak is stepping down could not be further from the truth. He is on attack mode and has switched up the we-can-win rhetoric. Joceline Tan, The…

Azmin offers ‘olive branch’

Selangor MB was a no-show at PAS muktamar but he sent a representative whose words of friendship were what PAS leaders wanted to hear. Joceline Tan, The Star DATUK Seri Azmin Ali would have…

A political tsunami is coming

THE PAS muktamar only starts today but the noise coming from the meetings of the three wings the last two days points to one thing - the Opposition’s dream of taking Putrajaya is finished.…

Looking for clues in PAS veep race

Joceline Tan, The Star FOR several years, PAS president Datuk Seri Hadi Awang was not keen on moves in the party for his eldest son to rise up the ranks or to contest in the general election.…

Toppling The Malay Coconut Shell

A major obstacle for Malays specifically and Muslims generally is our ingrained but misguided notion of satisfaction with the status quo, al qadar – our fate is written in the book – the passive…

China is no ordinary investor, says Zaid

(FMT) - Former Umno minister says he fears for Malaysia's future and sovereignty with superpower's involvement in many infrastructure projects. Zaid Ibrahim believes the government is giving…

PAS has always been conservative

Wan Saiful Wan Jan, The Star WHEN it comes to political Islam, the Islamic Party of Malaysia (PAS) is without doubt the most successful political party in the country. In fact, PAS sits…

The paradox that is Mahathir

It was quite a singular admission on his part. He told a political forum recently that he still had a lot of unfinished business. When he called it a day after 22 years in power, it was because he…

Azmin’s mad at Rafizi

Datuk Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali (right) has previously labelled Rafizi Ramli ‘malicious and irresponsible’ and is said to be fuming because of his recent behaviour. He’s trying to save PKR's ties…

Has PKR become irrelevant?

The existence of a pro-PAS faction in Anwar Ibrahim's party is not doing any good to the opposition coalition. Scott Ng, Free Malaysia Today With his latest outburst, Zaid Ibrahim may have…

The future of Malay politics

When in the future the country's Muslim population exceeds 70% and when conservative Islamic forces gain in momentum, PAS will emerge as the most dominant political force, and could even overtake…

Hadi is back on centre stage

“Why should we help PKR win in Penang? Their boss is DAP,” said Penang PAS secretary Izuree Ibrahim. Joceline Tan, The Star A Bill that divided the nation has united PAS behind their…

Umno’s winning formula for GE14

It doesn't matter how PAS, Umno might go for a tie-up, they will remain rivals in the next general election, battling for votes in the Malay heartland. Tay Tian Yan, Free Malaysia Today A…

Making monkeys out of us

Just because a certain Bill touches on religion (in the case of RUU355, it’s specifically on the Shariah court system), it does not mean that those of other faiths cannot question it. If that were…

Put the brakes on our road terrors

There is just so little enforcement. The cops have their hands full. They can’t be everywhere. Dorairaj Nadason, The Star IT was wanton taking of a human life. A woman was crossing the road…

Najib redraws his inner circle

Dr Ahmad Zahid is bound to feel a little nervous over Hishammuddin’s upward move but his insurance is that Najib is too astute to put his cousin as the No. 2. Joceline Tan, The Star A…

Umno’s winning formula for GE14

Umno is doing everything it can to please PAS -- including full coordination over Hadi's private bill -- all because of one single purpose: to ensure this formula stays relevant. Tay Tian Yan, …

Timely reminder for minorities

Contrary to what some may tell you, it takes a lot more than drinking holy water and saying three Hail Marys to become a Christian.  Terence Fernandez, The Malay Mail Online Just like other…

An early PRU14 is imminent

Umar Mukhtar Scandal-infested Prime Minister Najib Razak has painted himself into a not-too-uncomfortable corner. Under no circumstances is he going to allow a parliamentary debate on the divisive…

Penang or Kedah for Kit Siang?

Joceline Tan, The Star LIM Kit Siang’s 76th birthday in February passed without fanfare unlike in the previous year when his family and guests threw him a grand birthday party. The DAP…

Shabudin, kamu faham apa itu rogol?

Rogol itu jenayah, yang patut dihukum dengan setimpalnya, bukan diberi ganjaran. Lim Yi Wei, Free Malaysia Today Kepada Ahli Parlimen Tasek Gelugor, Datuk Shabudin Yahaya. Fahami kata-kata…

Cousin and former aide opens up

Razak noticed that Shafie’s thinking began to change about a year before he left Umno. He had been meeting Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and communicating with Tun Daim Zainuddin. Joceline Tan, The…