It’s back to square one for PAS

Najib had tried his best to persuade his component parties to give the Bill a chance. The perception was that he wanted to honour his gentleman’s agreement with Hadi. Joceline Tan, The Star…

The art of politics

The antagonistic posture between MCA and DAP, and an apparent lack of unified stand among PKR, Bersatu and Amanah all give Umno more room to maneuver its plans. Lim Sue Goan, Sin Chew Daily…

To have world-class universities

In academia, particularly the social sciences, we are meant to question what happens in our society. This means that when it is necessary we criticize laws, policies and government. If we can't do…

DAP, have some pride!

Tay Tian Yan, Malay Mail Online I must say that I have some mixed feeling for DAP. I supported it when it was young, sympathised with it when it was oppressed and when it has grown strong, I hope…

PKR-PAS marriage on the rocks

The war drums are growing louder and the PAS muktamar next month may be the death knell for ties between PAS and PKR. Joceline Tan, The Star DATUK Seri Azmin Ali is a terribly composed…

The true meaning of patriotism

Don’t confuse patriotism, which creates a sense of responsibility, with nationalism, which can be a manifestation of arrogance. YS Chan, Free Malaysia Today In most third world countries,…

Confused conservatives

Conservatism in Malaysia has veered from its roots to become something far more poisonous. Scott Ng, Free Malaysia Today As the West continues its struggle with hard right extremists,…

New and old friends

RUU355 will not be PAS' only condition, and it is rumored that Umno and PAS have reached some sort of agreement that Umno will give PAS Terengganu, Kelantan, Kedah, Perak and Selangor, while it…

The Rocket’s political crisis

Writer: Liao Ming An (translated name) Oriental Daily, March 16, 2017 As I have mentioned in my previous article entitled “Don’t fool people with democracy”, the mass resignation at DAP…

Can Malaysia’s Opposition Win?

“If, say, somehow the opposition scrapes enough votes to win the next election… I think they will govern for about two years before they get literally, rioted out office” Nithin Coca, The…

Grudge fight in Padang Rengas

The debate between Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz next week is expected to be fiery but not as explosive as the former PM’s confrontation with the Otai Reformasi gathering.…

Vital to preserve May 13 cemeteries

Not only has the government ignored this call for a Truth and Reconciliation process, we now hear that the burial ground of some of the May 13 victims at Sungai Buloh is threatened by plans to…

Mahathir’s whimsical theory

Mahathir admitted and defended the existence of Project IC at a seminar two years ago. This kind of tactic is a trademark of Mahathir who would now clumsily project the same picture onto the state…

Umno’s dilemma

Najib announced that the government would take over Hadi's private bill, but this has subsequently put the party in a pressing dilemma: an imminent crisis it now faces (strong objection from other…

Undivided loyalty to party

Jerlun risks becoming the Permatang Pauh of Kedah. Facing a battle with former comrades is trickier than dealing with “just” enemies. Adie Suri Zulkefli, The New Straits Times Over the…

Can we have an issues-based GE14?

We are too forgiving of an incompetent coalition that has spent the better part of its second term as the official opposition bickering over non-existent power. Scott Ng, Free Malaysia Today…

Kedah MB on steady ground

Datuk Seri Ahmad Bashah Md Hanipah is slimmer and healthier after overcoming a health crisis but he now has to get the better of a hungry opposition that wants to grab back Kedah. Joceline Tan,…

Will it be Kit Siang’s last battle?

Lim Kit Siang told the recent DAP retreat that the next general election will be his last while Tan Sri Muhyiddin declared Umno as ‘dead and in the past’. Joceline Tan, The Star IT is an…

Can Mahathir swing it in Kedah?

There will be an intense political battle for the Malay heartland state of Kedah where Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s name still carries weight. Joceline Tan, The Star IT was pitch dark and the…

Refreshing new politics for Malaysia

The country's politics has gone to a new phase that political parties will only worry about their own interests, often at the expense of the country's future. Lim Sue Goan, Sin Chew Daily As…

No clear sky in Selangor

The popularity rating of Datuk Seri Azmin Ali is clearly on the rise but it is still unclear whether he will be able to continue with his ‘one husband, two wives’ formula after the next general…

PPBM jadi ejen DAP untuk pujuk Pas?

(Malaysia Gazette) - “Kita mesti akui lebih daripada 60 peratus ini adalah undi Pas, kalau Pas tak bagi pasti banyak kerusi mereka hilang” Tindakan PPBM yang berusaha keras dan tanpa berputus…