No, BR1M is not a panacea

We are pretending to help the people through BR1M when we close both eyes to the inherent unfairness and exploitation in the system. TK Chua, Free Malaysia Today The piece, “Of BR1M and…

Chicken and egg situation

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the most qualified of all? No answers from the mirror, but DAP’s choice for Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister generated a lively debate. Joceline Tan,…

It will be a helluva ride!

Expect 2017 to be a busy year as the general election might be held. Also, Hadi’s Bill will come up again, we will celebrate our 60th birthday, and host the SEA Games. Wong Chun Wai, The Star…

What price Malaysia’s trust deficit?

Malaysians, it seems, are less willing to go along with government policies no matter how attractive the long-term benefits are. Abdillah Noh, The Straits Times The last weeks of December…

Felda must take criticism seriously

The most important thing with regard to Felda’s proposed purchase of EHP shares is whether the investment will add value and bring positive returns to the company. TK Chua, Free Malaysia Today…

A big play for the Malay vote

Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak may be inching towards that elusive feel-good factor while Pakatan Harapan is still struggling to sort out its partnership issues. Joceline Tan, The Star…

The true potential of Amanah

The progressives deserve their day in the sun Scott Ng, Free Malaysia Today The fragmentation of the Malay vote continues to be one of the more fascinating potential gamechangers of the next…

Mahathir’s past gets in the way

Joceline Tan, The Star TUN Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s relationship with the Malay Rulers has been one of ups and downs. But it hit a new low this week when he was “disinvited” to the installation…

A third political force in the making?

Umno's latest advocacy has contravened the BN spirit and betrayed the BN roadmap. It is now time for the other BN component parties to reconsider the future of the coalition as well as this…

Cinapeks M.I.A

Who is Persatuan Mukabuku Pulau Pinang? KTemoc Konsiders GEORGE TOWN: A group of protesters gathered outside the High Court in Light Street here today demanding Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng…

The Chinese Crutches

By Mak Khuin Weng GE14 is looming and Datuk Seri Najib Razak has dictated the next course for Umno to take at their General Assembly. Of the many policies that were discussed, two items…

Malaysian politics comes full circle

Has the world turned upside-down? Not really, just politicians doing what they do best – playing politics. Joceline Tan, The Star FIRST the historic handshake and now the historic…

All charged up in Umno

Last year, delegates were still referring to him as Tun Mahathir yang disayangi (our beloved Tun Mahathir), appealing to him to halt the attacks and not cause a split. But Dr Mahathir’s alliance…

From revered hero to outright enemy

Dr Mahathir and his new party are aiming for the same voter base as Umno, and he is working hand-in-glove with the enemy. The fact that DAP leaders have ticked off Umno for criticising Dr Mahathir…

Jumping on Najib’s bandwagon

Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak has survived a challenging year, he is in full control of Umno and everyone wants to be the president’s men again. Joceline Tan, The Star THE sense about the…

Umno’s past, present and future

Umno seems to have adopted a number of radical measures that has destroyed the spirit of consultation with component parties that BN had preserved for 6 decades. Lim Sue Goan, Sin Chew Daily…

Ku Nan must sack Jamal from Umno

Why is an Umno leader free to head a violent group but ordinary members of the party are not free to take part in one of its activities? Ravinder Singh, Free Malaysia Today As far as staging…

Easy to catch the corrupt

First of all, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) can only compel someone to declare his assets. Once the assets are declared, there is no offence. R. Nadeswaran, The Sun Daily…

The real work isn’t in the streets

Protests are a great way to dramatise a statement, but are the right people getting the message? Scott Ng, Free Malaysia Today As Bersih 5 approaches, there is a fear that the protest would…