From Malaya to Malaysia

Growth and evolution are natural and necessary in any federal set-up. Shad Saleem Faruqi, The Star AS we commemorate Malaysia Day, it is important to look back at the mileposts that led to…

Muftis should stay out of politics

Muftis or religious leaders in this country have an unfortunate knack of putting their foot in their mouths. Jeswan Kaur, Berita Daily Be it the callous Perak mufti Harussani Zakaria or the…

Anwar should pay heed to Nurul Nuha

Even as he endures the cruelty of the oppressive regime, Anwar should not listen to the forked tongues of his “trusted colleagues.” Kua Kia Soong, Free Malaysia Today Politicians tend to speak…

Crying wolf on foreign intervention

The first AWSJ report on 1MDB and the Prime Minister appeared in July 2015. The first Sarawak Report on 1MDB and Jho Low appeared around May 2014. Anwar’s prophetic denunciation of 1MDB took place…

Can liberalism save Malaysia?

I am a libe­ral but it would be wrong for me to say that groups like Isma and Per­kasa are out to destroy the country. Wan Saiful Wan Jan, The Star IT is amazing how some people react…

Nonsensical demands on Mahathir

The opposition must realise that its support will continue to bleed as long as it keeps its head in the sand. Shahril Ahmad, Free Malaysia Today Let us begin this discussion by getting the…

More than just a handshake

The “historic handshake” was supposed to be a signal of bigger things to come but the mixed reaction seems to suggest that it was missing the wow-factor. Joceline Tan, The Star THEY used to…

Sorry seems to be the hardest word

Praba Ganesan, Malay Mail Online Shame or the effort to avoid shame define Asians — I’m often told. Since Malaysia prides in the claim of being truly Asia, so it probably is doubly true here. It…

The death of Malaysian manners

Having the lessons in school will not be super effective if parents at home don’t behave in an equitable manner towards their families, friends and neighbours. Ahmad Azrai, The Heat Malaysia…

The handshake that should worry the BN

A reconciliation between Anwar and Mahathir can ignite the spark needed to address the opposition's biggest weakness: political lethargy. Abdar Rahman Koya, Free Malaysia Today For those of…

Student overtakes sifu

Power in Umno begins at the division level and the support for Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak as he officiated at one division meeting after another last month suggests that he is on a roll.…

Are race-based parties still needed?

(MMO) - The question begs another question ― were race-based parties ever needed in the first place? My answer is a simple “no.” They were never needed and were nothing more than a colonialist…

Controversy surrounding NSC Act

Despite his general duty to act on advice, the King retains some discretionary powers. Shad Saleem Faruqi, The Star TUN Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s criticisms of the National Security Council Act…

53 or 59?

(New Mandala) - 31 August marks Malaysia’s independence. But not everyone is celebrating a broader federation, writes James Chin. Today Malaysia celebrates Hari Merdeka or Independence Day.…

Why PM Najib is on his way out

There are personal and strategic reasons why Najib will want to leave the leadership scene earlier than observers are expecting Lim Teck Ghee According to former deputy prime minister Musa Hitam…

Devolution and The Rise of Adenan Setam

Without Adenan’s party, Najib and UMNO would topple. Right now it is to Adenan’s (and Sarawak’s) advantage to stay with the ruling coalition. Najib will do everything to ensure that; his survival…

Looking for a reason to be insulted?

At present, religions have largely defined themselves by condemnation and judgment of the faith of others. Some religious folks get a kick out of pointing out the errors, faults and vices of other…

Dr M’s strange apology

It’s not clear whether he was saying sorry to the Malay Rulers or the rakyat. Probably, he was apologising to himself. Tay Tian Yan, Asia News Network TUN Dr Mahathir Mohamad apologised for…

Dr M touches royal nerve

“He has quarrelled with many world leaders, including our neighbour Singapore, and put Malaysia in a spot. Now he talks about unity with an incredibly straight face. He is the root cause of the…

Financial scandals and foreign affairs

If Malaysia’s political impasse breaks, the impact may be global. Amrita Malhi, New Mandala “I myself have never wanted foreign interference in our domestic affairs,” former Prime Minister…