Bersatu must show a reformist bent

Muhyiddin needs to create some positive buzz around the party he now heads Scott Ng, Free Malaysia Today The Opposition Leader, being the presumptive Prime Minister candidate, must embody…

Political fuddle and racial jumble

Will Dr Mahathir's Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia continue with the misleading definition of 'Malay' as seen in Umno all these years? Farah Harith, Free Malaysia Today Perhaps because my…

Is the Malaysian Dream Dead?

Karamjit Gill There was a moment many years ago where we thought reforms in Malaysia was a possibility. There was a moment in time where we thought our beloved country might have a bright…

Money laundering and the art world

Illegal money pumped through art dealers and auction houses is said to contribute to the rise in the value of fine art. Akhbar Satar, Free Malaysia Today One of the ways of turning dirty or…

Early polls for Malaysia?

Barisan will not call for an early general election unless it is sure of winning. The harsh reality is that it is the rural bumiputeras who will decide and not the ‘Wall Street Journal’. Wong…

Dr M and the ‘grand coalition’

The driving force behind Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia is no less than the once formidable Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad but news of its formation has failed to fire up public imagination. Joceline…

Benarkah Muhyiddin pilihan Mahathir?

Daripada empat individu yang pernah jadi timbalan Dr. Mahathir, hanya Pak Lah yang lepas naik ke kerusi Perdana Menteri. Itu pun, selepas beberapa tahun memegang jawatan, Pak Lah turut hadapi…

Malaysia’s Hybrid Politics

(BFM) - Malaysian party politics has seen some upheaval in recent times, with the establishment of a new bumiputera-only party set to go up against Barisan Nasional in the next general election.…

Stop making a fool of yourself

Tay Tian Yan, Malay Mail Online I don’t care whether Namewee’s latest video Oh My God has been an insult to Islam or other religions, and I am in no position to judge anyway. I’m actually more…

New party, old politics?

Mahathir will find it hard to justify forming a new party if it is going to be Umno 3.0. Scott Ng, Free Malaysia Today There was a lot of excitement among pro-opposition pundits when former…

Stirred and shaken again

DATUK Seri Ahmad Said is said to be quite amused at being described as the Terengganu version of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. Joceline Tan, The Star The way Ahmad has gone about trying to oust…

How far can Shafie go?

Arnold Puyok, Malay Mail Online Shafie Apdal, who withdrew from Umno recently is trying hard to revive his political career. It must have been tough for him, now that his political career is…

We should beware the hypocrites

Zaid Ibrahim, The Star Malaysia is an Islamic country – an extraordinary one at that. All the top leaders proclaim their commitment to discharge their duties and responsibilities in accordance…

The dangers of passing hudud law

Malaysians Muslims and non-Muslims should oppose the bill which unexpectedly was allowed by Umno to “potong jalan” or jump the queue during the last parliamentary sitting. Koon Yew Yin, Free…

Planning of Mahathir’s new party

Zheng Bo Fu, Oriental Daily These two weeks could be Mahathir’s toughest time in preparing for his new party. Based on evolving changes, it is not difficult to see that Mahathir has been trying to…

Mahathir is 40 years too late

Malaysia is a paradise lost, and the former PM is the one who must take the blame. Mariam Mokhtar, Free Malaysia Today It’s a shame that former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad did not do 40…

Guan Eng’s failed gamble

The Penang government had better re-examine its priorities if it wants to prevent BN from making inroads in the state. Scott Ng, Free Malaysia Today It is puzzling that DAP should cite…