Do you want to be a gynaecologist?

Giving birth is a complicated and possibly dangerous process, so a mother should have a choice about who delivers her baby. Zaid Ibrahim, The Star THE job of a legislator is to make policies…

DAP idiocy within borders, but not Umno

We get outraged when one side does the same thing we are accused of doing, and yet cannot see beyond double standards. Hafidz Baharom, The Heat Malaysia First the DAP tells a restaurant to…

What if Guan Eng steps down?

P Gunasegaram, Malaysiakini “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.” - Abraham Lincoln Merely raising the question of whether Penang…

ISIS has nothing to do with Islam?

'They can't be Muslims because they're killing other Muslims'. As if killing non-Muslims would somehow make us accept they have something to do with Islam?? Maajid Nawaz, …

Interfaith: Why Muslims need it the most

This courtesy is sadly not reciprocated by Muslims towards Christians in Malaysia. Even when it is Christians extending gestures of friendship and muhibbah, Muslims end up making police reports…

Will BN risk making Guan Eng a martyr?

A wrong move will cause a deeper entrenchment of anti-BN sentiment among followers of the opposition. Scott Ng, Free Malaysia Today The sudden arrest and prosecution of Penang Chief Minister…

Critical time for DAP leader

Joceline Tan IT was almost 7pm but the sky was still bright when a convoy of cars emerged from the underground car park of Komtar, Penang. The only hint that this was no ordinary caravan of…

What will be your legacy, LGE?

Remaining as Chief Minister now may blemish his reputation Rahim Zainuddin, Free Malaysia Today The truth is that not every politician has an opportunity to leave behind a lasting legacy. In…

The madness has to stop

Unfortunately, no one in authority wants to put an end to it. Citizen Nades  DURING my days in school, Malay was taught as Bahasa Kebangsaan (national language). But they all taught me wrong…

Could the 3Ms form the Third Force?

Scott Ng, FMT The political futures of Muhyiddin Yassin and Mukhriz Mahathir are in limbo, now that they have been sacked from Umno after a year of confrontation between former PM Mahathir…

The end of Dr M’s era

(NST) - BY sacking suspended Umno deputy president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin and former Kedah menteri besar Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir from the party on Friday, Umno president and Prime Minister…

Don’t take voters lightly

Wong Chun Wai, The Star THE Opposition really has no one to blame for its defeat in the recent two by-elections in Sungai Besar and Kuala Kangsar except itself. It is really distasteful to call…

The end of a dream

Joceline Tan, The Star THEY were at each other’s throats during the recent by-elections but just days later, it was as though the fight never took place. Strange things happen in politics…