The road to GE14

It looks like Najib is fortifying his position ahead of a push to the next general election. Scott Ng, FMT Prime Minister Najib Razak may not be the most popular prime minister Malaysia has…

Respect voters’ intelligence

Syed Umar Ariff, NST Let us be frank here. Some of our politicos’ statements do not spur the advancement of society’s intelligence; it is as if they prefer to sport greasy mullets rather than…


Admitting to have paid the ransom means accepting that abduction is not crime, but a form of commercial transaction. Tan Tian Yan, Sin Chew Daily The Malaysian hostage held by the Philippine…

If Mukhriz ate ‘dedak’….

A day after the twin by-elections in Sungai Besar and Kuala Selangor, the Facebook page of Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir FC posted a congratulatory message from Umno Jerlun Division Chief Datuk Seri…

Malaysians fund Abu Sayyaf

Malaysia is mocking our sovereignty by operating in our territory to pay ransom to terrorists plaguing our land Rigoberto D. Tiglao, The Manila Times Yes, that’s what they have done in…

The Chinese swing

No one wants to deal with a political crisis and an economic one at the same time. Scott Ng, Free Malaysia Today The Chinese get mentioned a lot after votes are counted in any election.…

BN proves its craftiness

Bringing forward Hadi's bill for tabling was a brilliant gambit that targeted the opposition's weaknesses. Scott Ng, Free Malaysia Today The results of the by-elections in Kuala Kangsar and…

Celebration and soul-searching

While Barisan Nasional celebrates, the losing side has a lot to ponder and work on in the aftermath of the twin by-elections. Joceline Tan, The Star THE Umno headquarters in Sungai Besar was…

The torment of tolls

There must be a better way of doing things than to impose sudden and drastic rate increases. Scott Ng, Free Malaysia Today The attitude the average Klang Valley dweller has towards tolled…

Politicians or theologians?

Kelantan is clearly a failed state and its PAS government doesn’t have a clue how to uplift the standard of living of the people there. They certainly deserve better. Wong Chun Wai, The Star…

BN captures the Chinese vote

The thumping victories in the dual by-elections signal that Barisan Nasional is on the comeback trail, with the Chinese vote swinging back. Joceline Tan, The Star THE political tsunami has…

The gloves have come off

For many in Umno, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s campaign against Umno in the recent by-elections was seen as the ultimate betrayal and the torching of the last bridge. Joceline Tan, The Star TUN…

What is Rafizi’s skeleton?

Soo Wern Jun, The Heat Malaysia The thin line that differentiates politicians from ruling parties and politicians from the opposition parties seem to have blurred into oblivion. At one time,…

Cheers for Azmin, shame on Mahathir

Ibrahim Sani, Free Malaysia Today Perhaps Ramadan has a lot to do with the rather subdued campaigning in the run-up to tomorrow’s by-elections in Kuala Kangsar and Sungai Besar. There has been…

PRK: Siapa pilihan orang Melayu?

Semua parti bertanding di PRK Sungai Besar dan Kuala Kangsar mewakili orang Melayu dan calonnya juga semua Melayu belaka. Srihanasham Noordin, Free Malaysia Today Tinggal satu hari lagi…

The flight that has set tongues wagging

For a start, was Mahathir’s flight paid for by the taxpayer? If it wasn’t, Hishammuddin has really lost his sense of reason. If it was paid for by the rakyat, did it cost several million ringgit?…

Stop being a hypocrite and be a human

Cheering for killers will not make people accept your point of view; it's an action that literally negates all the blessings that you accumulate in the holy month. Ahmad Azrai, The Heat…

Quit mocking religions!

The concerted thoughts of many, somewhat difficult to refute, was that the error was a deliberate attempt to ridicule Hinduism and Sikhism! Darshan Singh Dhillon, The Malay Mail Malaysia’s…