Reality bites in by-elections

For the past few years, it appeared like DAP had emerged as the party that could put Umno in its place. What DAP failed to appreciate was that they were able to do that partly due to the back-up…

Dr M shows up in Sungai Besar

Former premier wants the by-elections to be a referendum on the Prime Minister but he did not look pleased when asked what if Umno wins both seats on June 18. Joceline Tan, The Star IT was…

Wooing the Malay heartland vote

Joceline Tan, The Star AMANAH president Mohamad Sabu finally rolled into town yesterday. The Pakatan Harapan campaign team had wondered where he had gone to because he is, after all, the…

Second phase of Kajang Move?

Salleh Buang, NST Is history repeating itself in Selangor? Are we witnessing the beginning of the second phase of Langkah Kajang (Kajang Move)? In 2014, a political manoeuvre known as…

Swayed by ‘Hudud’, we got shot by NSC

How many of us realised that the National Security Council (NSC) Bill 2015 was sinisterly being etched as law - paddling us on our behinds - as we vented and raved about the hudud issue - which…

Hudud and Huckle

Malaysians seem to be emotional thinkers. One day we condemn harsh punishments and the next day we say we desire them. Saleh Mohammed, Free Malaysia Today The reactions of Malaysians to…

Enhancing syariah courts’ powers

Shad Saleem Faruqi, The Star UNDER the Syariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act 1965, the sentencing power of the syariah courts is limited to RM5,000 fine, six lashes and three years’ jail.…

Tread with caution on hudud

When laws made by man in the name of religion are once part of the law books, any attempt to amend or repeal them becomes difficult if not impossible, as such an attempt is considered an affront…

Enhancing syariah courts’ powers

Ultra vires state laws are hardly challenged in the courts. In the rare application for judicial review, the superior civil courts are generally reluctant to invalidate laws passed in the name of…

Hadi’s bill is not hudud bill

Shamsher Singh Thind, Free Malaysia Today The presidents of MCA, MIC and Gerakan have threatened to quit the Cabinet if the private member’s bill tabled by Abdul Hadi Awang is passed. Lucky for…

Proton’s never ending problems

With the Government owning 79% of Proton, the haemorrhage will continue unless the Government, the controlling shareholder makes some drastic changes to the current existing system of producing…

What after the by-elections?

Sin Chew Daily Both Sungai Besar and Kuala Kangsar are Malay-predominant constituencies. As a result, Umno and PAS will harness the racial and religious cards to win the elections while Pakatan…

Is Islam ‘Exceptional’?

That Islam—a completely different religion with a completely different founding and evolution—should follow a course similar to that of Christianity is itself an odd presumption. We aren’t all the…

Two visitors with conflicting visions

Preacher Zakir Naik's reception by the government contrasted sharply to the one received by another preacher Abdullahi an-Naim. Lim Teck Ghee, The Heat Malaysia Recently we had two…

Blame Umno for hudud, not Hadi

The bill was at the bottom of the order paper. For it to take precedence over 14 other government bills – only Umno could make this happen. P. Ramakrishnan, Free Malaysia Today Those…

Is PAS’ new politics for real?

It must go beyond rhetoric to prove that it is truly a party for all. Robin Augustin, Free Malaysia Today When PAS announced that it would be the “third force” in Malaysian politics, not…

When you speak ill of the dead

Eddie Hoo, The Heat Malaysia Even a child knows that it wrong to speak ill of the dead. The boundaries of what can and can’t be said are clear cut. A child can also tell it is wrong to wish…

Consequences Umno will have to face

When elected reps are compelled to take sides based on their religious affiliations, what we are going to have is no longer a political rivalry but religious rivalry which will eventually tear up…