DAP, listen! Listen! Listen!

Adrian Lim Chee En, The Heat Malaysia DAP is at a crossroad - they must make a decision to maintain Penang and its traditional Chinese votes at the expense of Putrajaya, or try to win Federal…

No more room for reconciliation

Rafizi's "big reveal" is no coincidence, nor is it indicative of a man suddenly bogged by conscience. This looks elaborate, and at this point, I don't believe any of the Opposition leaders care if…

DAP mustn’t be seen as multi-racial

Do you judge a party’s multi-racial image on the policies it champions or do you put it down to the racial composition of its support base and its leadership? Eddie Hoo, The Heat Malaysia It…

Squabbling for the sake of squabbling

Are the opposition voters loyal PAS followers or are they Pakatan supporters? Scott Ng, Free Malaysia Today As PKR, PAS, and Amanah try to outbid each other to be the opposition party…

To the next battlefield

It's time for the Opposition to decide where it's headed because GE14 will be upon us soon. Scott Ng, Free Malaysia Today The anti-Najib forces have all but lost their war, going by the…

A civil war imminent for PKR?

Hafidz Baharom, The Heat Malaysia News has now leaked that PKR’s own heralded whistleblower and secretary general Rafizi Ramli is about to expose graft within their own stronghold of Selangor…

Anwar says ‘no’ to Dr Mahathir

Politicians from the opposition coalition are starting to find out just how troublesome it can be to ride the tiger; even if it is an old tiger named Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. Joceline Tan, The…

A confused Muslim, yet again

“Girl, religion is not like a plate of mee goreng you order at a mamak shop. You don’t get to tambah pedas or kurang pedas; tambah taugeh or takdak taugeh; tambah telur or tambah ayam. You can’t…

Anwar pulls brakes on Dr M’s show

Joceline Tan, The Star “A SCRIBBLED note that has caught fire in PKR” – that was how one PKR politician described the impact of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s letter from prison. The eight-page…

Rebranding Zahid

The DPM seems to be actively taking measures to repair his image. Scott Ng, Free Malaysia Today One of the common accusations thrown at Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi is that he…

Dr M steps out of save Umno mode

The man who once caused a constitutional crisis when he curbed the powers of the Malay Rulers is now appealing to the same institution to help him topple a sitting Prime Minister. Joceline Tan,…

Lest we forget …

We are a secular and liberal country. It is vital for national leaders to make clear to voters at the next campaign trail that theirs is a moderate party. The Sarawak polls has taught us that.…

Seeds of Pakatan’s Defeat

William Leong Jee Keen Opposition Coalition Failure We will never know why Sarawakians on 7 May 2016 returned Barisan Nasional as State government. This is because the opposition failed to…