Is Rafizi a hero?

“The WPA says that whistleblowers can provide evidence if it is legally available through the course of their work. The catch phrase here is ‘legally available through the course of their work.’…

Let Proton swim or sink on its own

Public policy makers and practitioners need to be reminded as to why the national car project has been continued long after its rational economic shelf life ran out. Lim Teck Ghee, The Heat…

Misquoted …. or not

Everyone will back the call for righteousness and freedom of the press. But some find it difficult to practise what they preach. Wong Chun Wai, The Star THERE is a Thai saying about the…

What happens after Najib?

The Citizens' Declaration is amazingly short on what the signatories are going to do to replace the PM and his allegedly inept policies. Mikha Chan, Free Malaysia Today Monomania reigns in…

Political fatigue sets in

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s greatest obstacle may not be the Prime Minister. Instead, it is an electorate that is politically pooped from too much politics. Joceline Tan, The Star IT has…

Can Arul go and save Proton now?

LSS Report There is little doubt now that Proton is in crisis. Proton's domestic market share in Malaysia has dropped from as high as 74% to a mere 15% last year. While exports have slumped…

Where’s the shadow PM?

By TAY TIAN YAN, Sin Chew Daily Ku Li appears to have a very unusual role to play in every drama. He should have a part to play in the anti-Najib theater, or some would even say he has great…

‘Has Ku Li eaten the dedak?’

As unlikely as it would appear to a lot of people, he could have entered into a secret agreement with Mohd Najib. A Kadir Jasin, The Malaysian Times APART from a brief reference to Tengku…

A few points to ponder

Muhyiddin and Mukhriz are still thinking of going back to Umno's core leadership. How could we expect the Umno loyals to reform the country? In the meantime, with the opposition still in deep…

Still trying to warm up

It is the most fascinating marriage of convenience in years, but the overnight “lovebirds” are not to be under-estimated. They may not be able to bring down Najib, but they could be a catalyst for…

‘3Ms’ try to shake up Umno

Joceline Tan, The Star Strange friends: Dr Mahathir brand name is not what it used to be but he now has the backing his olf nemesis Anwar. JOHOR journalists say they are seeing a side of…