Is Penang on sale now?

Lim has to do away with the argument that Barisan Nasional sold more land in Penang, yet received less money. The people should not be taken as fools as they know very well how land prices have…

The DAP dilemma

The narrative that DAP is anti-Malay and anti-Islam is one that has been systematically cultivated by Umno and its propaganda machinery, through the media, the national education system and…

Islamic State’s appeal in Malaysia

Unfortunately for non-Muslim liberals, the solution to the problem is not about advocating a moderate Islam. The remedy can only be seen through Muslim eyes. Non-Muslim concepts of progressive or…

Why the cloak-and-dagger routine?

If the public funds were to be mismanaged or abused by corrupted politicians, public officials and their cronies, the investigations into such irregularities should be out in the open because…

How Jakim can help stop Isis

Hafidz Baharom, The Malaysian Insider In an article published recently, the head of the Malaysian Islamic Development Department (Jakim) said that they were finding it "too hard" to stop the…

Mahathir, not Razak, is Najib’s mentor

Mariam Mokhtar, The Heat Malaysia A teary-eyed Datuk Seri Najib Razak spoke about his father, Tun Abdul Razak Hussein’s achievements on the 40th anniversary of the second Malaysian Prime…

Sense and sensitivity

How can the country progress if a significant portion of society is always worried that any advantage given to other races or religions translates into a threat to its position? Amalina Anuar,…

Najib’s marathon journey

Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak will mark his 40th year in politics next month, a journey that he embarked on following the death of his father Tun Abdul Razak Hussein. Joceline Tan, The Star IT…

DAP’s Malay Dilemma

Soo Wern Jun, The Heat Most recently Malay rights group Perkasa president Datuk Ibrahim Ali said DAP is still a Chinese party since Malays do not even make up 30% of leadership positions in the…

Winning not one but all the races

We need to accept the fact that ours is a plural society – with all its good and bad. Our leaders must remember that they are leaders of all Malaysians. They must win the hearts of all races, not…

Be rational and honest about TPPA

Munir Majid, The Star THE Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) is a huge commitment and it is unsurprising it has engaged enormous public interest. The debate over it, however, will only…

Of syrup, cendol and ‘martyrdom’

Muslims get their own designated spaces like religious schools, where they never interact with other people. Consequently, they become very parochial in their outlook and insular in their…

The anxiety of Chinese Malaysians

There are fewer than three dozens out of 222 parliamentary constituencies where the Chinese can claim majority, and this number will only go down as the years go by. Tay Tian Yan Translated…

Haram kerja di kedai fotostat

Xifu, Sinar Harian HARAM tetap haram. Hukumnya jelas. Tetapi mindset haram kita tidak semudah itu. Ia adalah lebih tertakluk kepada satu wacana perdana agama (Mainstream Religious Discourse)…

Melayu tak bodoh jadi boneka

Apa formula DAP ada sampai boleh buat Melayu jadi boneka? Faridz Ridzwan, Free Malaysia Today Baru-baru ini pemimpin lama DAP, Lim Kit Siang mendedahkan statistik yang Melayu tetap berkuasa…

Heads must roll over budget review

The prime minister was horribly advised, and whoever that did it did so against the analysis of the IMF, the Economist Intelligence Unit and even the multitude of analysts both internationally and…