Move against Nurul Izzah may backfire

BN has just thrust her into the national and global limelight again, and she might end up as a martyr. Shuman Vasu, Free Malaysia Today Barisan Nasional had better think twice before rushing…

Is PKR next on DAP’s hit list?

Jason Chin, The Malaysian Times CHIEF MINISTER Lim Guan Eng was a catalyst in exiling PAS from the Opposition coalition. He accused them of silently working with UMNO. Unfortunately, PKR has…

NSC Bill: Be afraid, be very afraid

Umar Mukhtar I am not writing this to be in support of or against any political party. They have agendas that baffle me sometimes. I write for my fellow Malaysians with whom I share this beautiful…

Skewed definition of national threats

What makes one harmful to national security and public order? Does the person need to brandish weapons and force his way into our borders? Shuman Vasu, Free Malaysia Today In Putrajaya’s…

When home doesn’t feel like home

How does one console a fellow Malaysian who gives up a good life abroad to return to his motherland only to be treated badly because of his race? Fa Abdul, Free Malaysia Today I met a very…

A taste of their own medicine

Muhyiddin and other Umno dissenters must know that their suffering is nothing compared to the misery the rakyat have endured for four decades Mariam Mokhtar, Free Malaysia Today Former DPM…

Pakatan has failed?

Steven Sim, Malay Mail Online My dear friends, Forget which Pakatan for now. But let’s talk about the opposition and our coalition for all its worth. I always say that I see the world in…

Cracks in Penang Pakatan’s armour

To Lim Guan Eng, anyone who doesn't back DAP is an Umno supporter. Mata Kuching, Free Malaysia Today Barisan Nasional’s motion on land reclamation at the Penang state assembly session last…

Are you shariah compliant?

To be shariah compliant is to be in accord with the Quran. Fa Abdul, Free Malaysia Today A couple of months ago a few students from the International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM)…

Najib’s Election Option

Najib doesn’t need an election to defeat any external opposition. An election is the best method for him to eliminate opposition within his own party UMNO. Najib cannot win GE-14, but the…

Najib survives a testing year

Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak is very strong in Umno, he has the numbers in Parliament and he has survived the ‘Mahathir virus’. Joceline Tan, The Star INCREDIBLE as it may sound, Datuk Seri…

The business of religion

When it comes to Islam in Malaysia, it is a business. And everyone wants to get a piece of the pie, enjoy the perks and benefits and make a bit of money on the side. All for the faith, of course.…

Moderate but wacky Islamic leaders?

Are there a lot of Malaysian orphans wondering how to get married and require a sitting Malaysian minister to tell them? Hafidz Baharom, The Heat Online In the last few days, Islamic…