Burning the bridge at both ends

Why do we resort to condemnation and name calling without at least trying to understand others’ viewpoints? Fa Abdul, Free Malaysia Today I was reading an article adapted from Dr M. Bakri…

On loudspeaker ban

Mohd Izzuddin Ramli, Malay Mail Online Inter-religious relations once again becomes a hot potato issue in Penang. I still remember a few years ago, there was an issue of public toilets in the…

From MB to prisoner

Joceline Tan, The Star DR Mohd Khir Toyo seemed drained of emotion on the day he was sentenced to one year’s jail for corruption. His face looked pale and devoid of expression as two police…

Are we that rotten after all?

(Sin Chew Daily) - I really wanted to do a poll how many people actually know about the country’s ranking in the 2015/16 global competitiveness report. Yes, half the people know about this…

Dear government in waiting

Three-way fights are mortal wounds only if the new coalition relies on the population’s aversion of BN rather than their own value proposition to pull votes.  Praba Ganesan, The Malay Mail…

The real state of national unity

There is no logic behind the call for more government intervention. The Government has been intervening since the 1970s and the outcome is what we have today. How is more of the same going to…

When Politicians Commit Hate Crimes

What is most frightening is that, under the guise of patriotism, these people in the public spotlight are committing hate crimes. Such irresponsibility calls into question their judgment, their…

I like KEEMA but not KIMMA

Funny, but how can a person be an Indian Muslim and a Malay at the same time? Fa Abdul, Free Malaysia Today I like Keema. For those of you who had never heard of Keema, it is a famous Indian…

PM Malaysia: Muhajir Cina?

Akhlak Muhajirin begitu terpuji sehingga Aws dan Khazraj, walaupun asabiyah mereka amat kuat, rela melepaskan kepimpinan ke tangan Muhajirin. Tidak timbul isu ketuanan Ansar, Bumiputra atau bukan…

Seeking a new vision for Malaysia

How do we even begin creating a republic of virtue if we do not yet have the tools of analysing what a corrupt society is and how corrupt leaders are a product of the economic system created to…

Integrity and other agendas

Dr. Chandra Muzaffar The greatest tribute that Malaysians can pay to the memory of Kevin Morais and others like him who had sacrificed their lives fighting against the abuse of power is to…

Adakah rasisme semakin meningkat?

Adakah kerajaan memiliki elemen rasisme? Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah DUA perhimpunan aman baru sahaja selesai, iaitu Bersih 0.4 dan Merah. Saya menyokong Bersih 0.4 atas lima objektif…

Apa DAP mau?

Ti Lian Ker, Malay Mail Online I fully support what Dato’ Mohd Zaid Ibrahim had said about DAP not pretending to understand Malays as reported in the article ‘Zaid himself fails to understand…