Protect the public institutions

There is no surer way to destroy people’s faith in democracy by making it seem as if no public institution is safe, that everything must conform to the wills of the high and mighty. Karim…

In politics, it’s a fund fair

The higher the donation, the fewer the donors, the more beholden the political party would be to that said donor. Emmanuel Joseph, The Malaysian Insider Political parties exist to contest…

The Torture of Raja Petra Kamarudin

Perhaps CBNGO knows something that RPK knows but is too afraid that the information may be leaked to media and hence wants to bury RPK along with ‘Plan X’? Perhaps CBNGO is afraid that RPK may…

What is Khairy’s game plan?

The enigmatic minister must decide which side of the fence he's on. Scott Ng, FMT Our Youth and Sports Minister, Khairy Jamaluddin, is an enigma. He’s made a connection with the youth with…

Can we now trust MACC?

The Opposition must not abandon its role as watchdog over MACC just because it is politically expedient to do so. Scott Ng, Free Malaysia Today What a surprising turn of events. The…

Wrong to appoint PAC members as Ministers?

The term “gratification” under the MACC Act includes “any office,” which surely must include ministerial positions, while the term “public body” must by definition include the PAC. Mark…

Our 1 Trillion Ringgit Proton

The billions of ringgit that a certain government investment vehicle sporting the 1 Malaysia brand owes is nothing compared to what has already been spent on our "National" Mitsubishi. Andrew…

Who are the conspirators?

A Jalil Hamid, New Straits Times On the day British Prime Minister David Cameron was in town for an official visit, United Kingdom-based blog Sarawak Report chose to pull a fast one by…

Velvet gloves come off

Joceline Tan, The Star IT was late afternoon by the time the Prime Minister showed up at Datuk Seri Shahrizat Jalil’s Hari Raya open house in Damansara Heights. It was still crowded because…

Little white lies and BERSIH

LSS Report BERSIH Chairperson Maria Chin Abdullah, denied yesterday (pic) that they are being funded by NED - only by the NDI and the OSI. The NED, the overt arm of the CIA, is widely…

Can it get any worse for Najib?

Najib has largely ignored calls for the application of the rule of law, adherence to the Constitution, the allegations on human rights abuses, the crackdown on critics of the government and his…

No repeat of 1987 or 1998

Ian McIntyre, The Heat When Prime Minister and Umno president Datuk Seri Najib Razak wielded his axe to remove his deputy Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin from the Cabinet, memories of 1987 and 1998 came…

What now for Muhyiddin?

The next party election is likely to take place only in 2018 and probably after the next general election. This was agreed upon at the last Umno supreme council meeting. No one sees Muhyiddin and…