Bersih’s cart before horse

There is no basis for Pakatan leaders perpetually asserting they speak for the people, because of one voting day. While a democratic vote is valuable it changes too. Praba Ganesan, MMO A…

My hopes for Gerakan Harapan Baru

If the proponents of GHB want to be taken seriously, they have to explicitly state what makes them different from PKR, PAS and Umno. Rama Ramanathan, TMI Disgruntled members of PAS,…

The fall of Muhyiddin Yassin

Jason Chin After officiating an essay writing competition organised by Yayasan Maybank and Yayasan Kepimpinan Perdana not long ago, Tun Dr. Mahathir said if he were in Prime Minister Najib’s…

A move to unseat Najib, no more, no less

The battle line was drawn much earlier. Prior to the latest salvo fired, the politicians in power who were either for or against Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak had taken their positions.…

Will Muhyiddin take this lying down?

The ex-DPM now has the opportunity to be an effective champion for the anti-Najib forces Scott Ng, FMT So far, Muhyiddin Yassin seems graceful in his exit, making polite remarks about Prime…

Is there an Umno snowball in the making?

Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin’s frank speech at the Cheras Umno meeting was widely seen as a move to create momentum ahead of the party’s division AGMs. Joceline Tan, The Star DATUK Seri Syed Ali…

Cold war of the ‘birthday boys’

There is still no end to the twists and turns surrounding the 1MDB issue but the epic clash between two famous “birthday boys” may have been written in the stars. Joceline Tan, The Star BOTH…

Funeral over, now for wedding

The Pakatan Rakyat marriage was good while it lasted but the political union is over and another ‘wedding’ will take place not long after Hari Raya. Joceline Tan, The Star AZMIN Ali returned…

A blend of fact and fiction

The 1MDB story has morphed into a complex tableau involving top opposition party figures, media tycoons, the London-based Sarawak Report and, of course, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. Joceline Tan,…

The law in Malaysia is an ass

As corruption scandals plague the PM, this is the moment Malaysians should openly demand justice in their country – something the law and judiciary won’t give them. Manjit Bhatia, New Mandala…

The ends do not justify the means

I learnt a valuable lesson that – wrong is wrong no matter what the goals are. Fa Abdul, Free Malaysia Today When I was eight, I had a friend named Vivian. She didn’t seem to have any…

Check, check and check again

Philip Golingai, The Star “HOT NEWS! From Herald Sun Australia – Detained murderer of Mongolian model Altantuya Shaariibuu, Sirul Ahzar Umar (bodyguard of PM Najib Razak) will testify next week…

Why I condemn Dr. Mahathir

The leadership vacuum in the country does not mean we have to support Mahathir Tajuddin Rosli, Free Malaysia Today I have received many emails questioning why I condemn Tun Dr. Mahathir…