When will Muhyiddin strike? Or will he?

The nation needs a leader who not only wants the job, but who also deserves it and can perform, not someone who just happened to get it Scott Ng, FMT The bell tolls for Najib Razak, and…

Not Malay Enough…

We tend to ask why the Malays aren’t Malay enough but fail to ask the same question of the Chinese and Indians. Fa Abdul, Free Malaysia Today Lately there has been much talk about Malays…

Ibrahim Ali gets something right

The Perkasa chief is spot on in pointing out that nothing will change if Najib's successor is incapable of cleaning up the PM's mess. Scott Ng, FMT Will Malaysian politics ever cease to…

Troubled time for Najib

For a while, it seemed like the worst was behind him, but Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak is once again battling what he calls a political sabotage to topple him. Joceline Tan, The Star TUN Dr…

Patriots or pimps and prostitutes?

Why should YPN be singled out for special assistance in this very lucrative contract? Mariam Mokhtar, FMT Everything in Malaysia has a price, be it education, justice, health, freedom,…

The anarchy of bad manners

Marina Mahathir, The Star I’M usually quite unshockable but occasionally I see something that really knocks my socks off. That was my reaction upon seeing a video recently. It was not…

Am I proud to be a Malay

Saleh Mohammed, Malay Mail Online I am born a Malay and was proud to be one. It goes back to history and also I noticed my race was at the forefront in freeing ourselves from colonial rule with…

What WILL break the camel’s back?

But to whom will this BN government lose political power to? Certainly not to Pakatan for it no longer exists! Hussein Hamid, Berita Daily Last week saw the Mara Dudley House corruption…

BTN is inconsistent with 1Malaysia

Kua Kia Soong, SUARAM Adviser It is shocking to see the vain attempts to justify the existence of BTN after the expose of its racist indoctrination programmes in 2009. This has been documented…

Pakatan without PAS will be weaker

Hafiz Noor Shams, Malay Mail Online I lament the end of Pakatan Rakyat. I truly believe the next most significant thing Malaysia needs to have in order to get to the next level is better…

Lim Kit Siang, your slip is showing

Umar Mukhtar The current Pakatan Rakyat melodrama will lead only to the solving of one profound mystery - how to work together without actually talking to each other. And you can bad-mouth each…