Rompin – Najib lost

Umar Mukhtar Irrespective of what minister Hishammuddin claimed with a brave face over Rompin by-elections result, it remained a clear indication that the voters of Rompin are fed-up with the…

To save the PM or the Party?

Umar Mukhtar Consider these: A Prime Minister whose wife loves Birkin handbags, yet would let his son-in-law pay for his only daughter's lavish wedding. A Prime Minister whose only statement on…

The ground under Najib is shaking

The dissatisfaction of the people is real, and so is the threat of Umno losing the next GE. Scott Ng, FMT ‘In front of a 5,000-strong crowd in Kuching, far removed from the thousands…

The self-sabotaging Najib

How many times must we ask about 1MDB, about the increasing racial and religious tension in Malaysia, about the GST before we get concrete answers from the man at the top?  Scott Ng, FMT Our…

Najib’s false bravado

Umar Mukhtar The false bravado exhibited by Prime Minister Najib Razak in his "I will not surrender" speech is symphonic of the precarious position he is now in regarding his prime…

The leader of Opposition game

Praba Ganesan, Malay Mail Online The Permatang Pauh by-election won’t end the late winter in Pakatan Rakyat. But the overstaying season chills can go easy on the thermostat if the Opposition…

The man who would be king

Another faction, supporting Tengku Razaleigh, may yet hijack Mahathir's campaign. Scott Ng, Free Malaysia Today In 1987, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah was within smelling distance of the Prime…

PAS absence likely to cut votes

The residents of Permatang Pasir are a highly politicised community who have kept the seat in PAS hands through good and bad times. Yet, there was not a single PAS flag or banner in sight.…

PAS could gain from Umno’s fall

In the battle between Mahathir and Najib, could the Islamist party come out the winner? Scott Ng, Free Malaysia Today Malaysians have been looking on intently as the battle between Mahathir…

PR should fight to keep Najib as PM

Umar Mukhtar In the history of this country, the next PRU 14 is the best ever chance for the opposition to take over the reins of government at the federal level. The government in power is at…

Political tug of war

Until today, many in Umno are still speculating on the real reason for Dr Mahathir’s fallout with Najib. As far as they are concerned, past leaders have survived worse scandals and financial…

No X-factor in by-election

It is quite shocking to hear Pakatan leaders predicting that she may win by as little as 5,000 votes. These are people who have always been so ultra confident about their tsunami politics and the…

Saving the nation must come first

The Najib-Rosmah scandal is crippling the nation and we seriously need an above politics prescription  J.D. Lovrenciear, Free Malaysia Today Dr Mahathir Mohamad delivered the grand slam…

Azmin under fire

Despite Azmin's reassurances, the threat of a coup against him is real. Scott Ng, Free Malaysia Today The Selangor Menteri Besar may shrug off the rumours of a possible coup against him from…

When will Mahathir be satisfied?

As the kingmaker moves closer to removing another prime minister, we must ask what it takes to get his approval Shahril Ahmad, Free Malaysia Today As Dr Mahathir Mohamad moves closer to…