Is Dr Mahathir a ‘Kera Sumbang’?

Umar Mukhtar A 'Kera Sumbang' in proverbial Malay is a macaque monkey who has such a crappy behaviour that even his own kind avoids him. So it seems Mahathir is, if Prime Minister Najib Razak's…

Diam, Daim!

Despite relentless criticism, Umno grassroots leaders are standing firmly behind the PM and telling his detractors to stop their barrage of criticisms. Sebastian Yeoh, Free Malaysia Today…

Kalau Mukhriz letak jawatan

Mungkinkah program pentadbiran Mukhriz memang ada tetapi kurang atau tidak dihebahkan media? Termasuk media milik atau pro-Umno atas “sebab sebab tertentu”? Mohsin Abdullah, TMI Datuk Seri…

Wan Azizah is the wrong candidate

A leader that cannot be trusted to carry out her duties as a representative of the people is a leader that has failed, and Azizah has not proven herself to be trustworthy in her stewardship of…

PBMUM: The Rising Malay Tide

Ahmad Fikri Ahmad Fisal  The 1969 fiasco unraveled important issues that gravely concerned the Malay masses: low Malay admission rate into universities, rural Malay poverty, and lack of…

Pakatan plotted it’s own downfall

Failing to plan for a PR without Anwar has doomed the opposition Scott Ng, Free Malaysia Today There’s been a lot of hoo-ha from the opposition camp with regard to BN ramming through several…

Mahathir the poker grandmaster

The former PM seems to be inviting all of Malaysia to umpire his duel with Najib. Ishmael Lim, Free Malaysia Today In the game of 5-card stud, 4 cards are revealed while the 5th card is…

Does Mahathir have the smoking gun?

The good doctor may have the key to deposing Najib. Or he may not. Scott Ng, Free Malaysia Today So news broke here on FMT that former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad met with the mother of…

Mahathir vs Najib: Alternate Endings

It must be noted that Mahathir’s true concern behind his attacks on Najib, as he himself has said, lies in his fear of Pakatan taking Putrajaya in the next election. Scott Ng, FMT As has…

When no one is right

Mahathir lost money too, and it doesn't matter that we know where it went. Scott Ng, FMT It looks like Dr Mahathir Mohamad has no intention of letting Prime Minister Najib Razak escape his…

Mahathir, Et tu Brute?

With so much history of continued loyalty by Datuk Seri Najib Razak (left) and his family, it is truly sad that Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad (right) has now turned against his long-term unwavering…

Those who would be king

It's time for those who wish to be PM to make their case to Mahathir. Scott Ng, FMT Kingslayer. Kingmaker. Mahathir is both, having installed prime ministers and unseated them. As the single…

Five reasons why Pota is scary

(MMO) - If you are arrested, you cannot challenge your arrest in court. You cannot argue in court that your arrest is unlawful. No court can order your arrest to be stopped. And no court will be…

Mahathir the Kingmaker and Kingslayer

Now that his chosen king has not lived up to his expectations, the slayer comes to claim his due.  Scott Ng, FMT Ask yourself, just who is the Opposition Leader right now? Is it Lim Kit…

Mahathir versus Mahathirism

Umar Mukhtar Whatever the motivations of Dr Mahathir in raising those tough questions casting aspersions on Prime Minister Najib Razak, they remain valid questions that beg answers. The…