The great PAS hudud charade

(MMO) - This reaction has little to do with defending Islam. It was born of a desire to enact misogyny and tribal rage, masked by indignant righteousness. Let us all have a round of applause…

PAS comes full circle

The PAS election is another two months away but the battle for dominance in the party has been fierce and divisive with the ulama class openly campaigning to stay in the driver’s seat. Joceline…

The next Prime Minister of Malaysia

Raggie Jessy Let me tell you a short story. Once upon a rainy November, three dato’s rendezvoused in a cavern with heads held high and wizardry in check. They came together with pearls of…

Why hudud law cannot be enforced

An analysis of state and federal powers on Islam and criminal justice Shamsher Singh Thind, Free Malaysia Today I once asked my students “How many states in Malaysia enforce Islamic criminal…

End racial discrimination now!

Dr Kua Kia Soong, SUARAM Adviser In 1966 the United Nations declared 21 March to be the Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination to commemorate those who had been killed on 21 March…

DAP slips up on hudud

With evidence appearing on YouTube, the liberal party loses the right to criticise PAS Scott Ng, Free Malaysia Today My, my, my. What a tangled web we weave in Malaysian politics. We weave…

New strategy sans PAS

No doubt PAS is still in command of a large number of Malay votes and some Pakatan leaders are afraid of losing PAS and subsequently the chances of capturing Putrajaya. It is this that has made…

I Was Stabbed and Left For Dead

Much of what I write today is influenced by Raja Petra. In fact, it is he who taught me objectivity and rationality since 2009, in a manner of putting it. Raggie Jessy Well composed and…

Another scandal takes off?

Could it be that the Cabinet was not referred to on the purchase of this new jet? Scott Ng, FMT You’d think that the last thing Prime Minister Najib needs right now is another scandal,…

Is Hadi really under siege?

The issue is not PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang's contribution towards developing PAS today, but more about whether he is the best to lead PAS into the future with Pakatan Rakyat.…

The hadith must be re-examined

So who concocted the narrations that violate human rights, contradict Quranic injunctions, violate reason, and slander the Prophet and his companions? Fawad Ahmed, TMI On February 3, 2015,…

Two wrongs don’t make a right

Who benefits the most if Mahathir is silenced? Who else in Umno or the government has the guts to demand for financial audit and forensic investigation on 1MDB if not Mahathir? Fa Abdul, FMT…

Who owns the police?

(TMI) - Various parties have criticised the police for continuing to use Section 9(5) of the Peaceful Assembly Act (PAA), a law that the Appeals Court have deemed unconstitutional to arrest…

It takes a thief to catch a thief?

Umar Mukhtar PM Najib Razak's counter-spin boys have been busy lately shooting the messenger and ignoring the message. The attacks on the credibility of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad have been…

Pakatan has lost the plot

The opposition has no direction without Anwar Scott Ng, Free Malaysia Today If the first week of Parliament’s current sitting was anything to go by, supporters of Malaysia’s opposition…

Can Najib survive his leadership test?

(Today Online) - The party is likely to adopt stronger Malay nationalist and Islamist agendas going forward. Dr Mohamed Nawab Mohamed Osman, coordinator of the Malaysia Programme at S…

Discrimination in the 21st century

Parties see nothing wrong with racialism and believe they are ‘practical and pragmatic’ in building a political culture along racial lines. Zaid Ibrahim, The Star IN Malaysia, racial and…

Religious fanatics who wreck lives

The case of a 14-year old who drank coffee laced with paraquat because he did not want to be traumatised by religious missionaries again.  Mariam Mokhtar, FMT Muslim fundamentalism, if left…