Show us OUR money 1MDB

Indeed, why does 1MDB even need to float its power assets to raise money when there should be some RM34 billion lying around the place? Where has it put the money from all its loans and bonds?…

It all boils down to education

On social media we find many people who are unable to reason things out, or to accept different points of view. They are absolutely certain they are right. Marina Mahathir, The Star The root…

Azmin Ali: Man of mystery

The Selangor Menteri Besar seems caught up in a web of intrigue. Scott Ng, Free Malaysia Today Gather round, ladies and gents all. For this be not news your town cryer may shout on the…

Disparities that threaten 1Malaysia

It was capitalism that skewed the distribution of wealth, concentrating it in the hands of a few. Chandra Muzaffar, The Star WHEN Yayasan 1Malaysia was launched in July 2009, it identified…

PAS draws a line in the sand

Having its way is more important to the Islamist party than anything else. Scott Ng, FMT Pakatan Rakyat’s marriage of convenience has always been under some form of threat from the inside.…

Blocking someone on social media

It is fallacious to argue that blocking someone on social media constitutes a denial of a person’s freedom of speech and expression. Syahredzan Johan, The Star I recently decided to trim my…

Sirul’s new strings

It seems possible that the fugitive from Malaysian justice is being moved by a new puppeteer. Scott Ng, FMT Many Malaysians are of the opinion that the Altantuya case failed to dig deeper…

What utter rubbish!

While you fight your political games at the top, the struggling rakyat feel rather left out of the equation. Fa Abdul, Free Malaysia Today I am an ordinary Malaysian. I come from a lower…

Anwar’s speech from the dock

The speech, although short, was crafted to sound like those historic speeches by Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi or Socrates. Anwar sees himself on the same level as those historic figures, a…

Post-Anwar apocalypse?

Praba Ganesan, Malay Mail Online “Pursue one great decisive aim with force and determination.” ― Carl von Clausewitz. Anwar Ibrahim’s current predicament is cruel, unusual and reprehensible,…

Are PAS moderates looking for a way out?

Now we are seeing PAS Election Director Hatta Ramli working hand in hand with Nurul Nuha Anwar in her “March to Freedom” campaign, and this raises many questions about what exactly that means.…

The Malaysia of tomorrow

Christine SK Lai, Malay Mail Online So many things have happened. So many things continue to happen in my beloved country.  Sometimes I don’t know whether to laugh or to cry. Many times I don’t…

There will not be another Nik Aziz

Tay Tian Yan, My Sinchew I met Nik Aziz on several occasions, but one particular occasion stays firmly in my head even until this day. During the Bukit Gantang by-election in Perak in 2009,…

Targeting the Islamic State

Philip Golingai, The Star IN the war against the Islamic State (IS), unlikely heroes have emerged. They are anonymous hacktivists called Anonymous. In #OpISIS, Anonymous hunted down and hacked…

How to define moderate

The moderate person knows that you don’t need to comment about every single thing just because you cannot be an expert in everything. Marina Mahathir, The Star OF late, there’s been a lot of…