It’s flood season again, so what?

Zan Azlee, TMI It's that time of the year when all the rivers and lakes start overflowing dangerously into where Malaysians live, work and go to school. This has been happening ever since I've…

A tough fight

Lim Sue Goan, Sin Chew Daily More and more individuals and organizations have stood up in support of "moderation." However, the battle between moderation and extremism will remain an uphill…

Malay views take bloom

Perkasa president Datuk Ibrahim Ali’s voice has been so dominant that many think his views reflect that of all Malays. But are things about to shift now with more moderate Malays speaking out?…

Find a middle ground

The bridges that connect us as Malaysians are far more important than the walls that some want to build to accentuate our differences.  Wong Chun Wai, The Star WE can all do with a bit of…

Is DAP really different from BN parties?

Why is DAP unable to work with PAS trustfully and confidently? Is DAP admitting that should Pakatan be given the mandate to govern Malaysia, it cannot ensure that the administration will be…

The GST: Rushing to buy things

Rasa Writes My neighbour, a pensioner, is very worried about the impact of the Goods and Services Tax (GST). He says, “As it is the value of the Malaysian ringgit is dropping and the price of…

First shot in Pakatan war fired in Sabah?

The first shot that may soon wreck and break Pakatan has apparently been fired when Inanam assemblyman Dr Roland Chia made known in his Facebook and Twitter posting of his intention to quit his…

Prepare for tough times ahead

We have often heard the phrase ‘we must change our lifestyles’ and the truth is that it will be difficult to adjust – but adjust we must. Datuk Zaid Ibrahim, The Star PREDICTING the future…

So, what do you want to watch?

Trying to determine if a TV programme is threatening to one’s faith can be a real challenge. Marina Mahathir, The Star YOU can read very interesting things in the news these days, some of…

Patriotism is alive again in Malaysia

33 prominent Malaysians step forward to show their full support of the group of 25 eminent Malaysians calling for rational dialogue on Islam. JD Lovrenciear, FMT We, the undersigned…

A Third Position on the Sedition Act

If discontent with the administration of justice cannot be articulated or organized, dissent loses its legitimacy and the polity ceases to be a democracy.   Dr. Chandra Muzaffar The two…