Read, study, understand, then comment

Many like Hadi feel that topics of Islam and the Malays should only be addressed by “good” Muslims and Malays. Apparently, only they have the moral right to speak about problems and solutions…

Why DAP is a liability to PH

DAP must take a serious look at itself in the mirror. Trying to behave it is multiracial party is a good attempt but so far it has been only a cosmetic attempt. It is still perceived as a Chinese…

Harapan’s blame game continues

S Thayaparan, Malaysiakini “The masses never revolt of their own accord, and they never revolt merely because they are oppressed. Indeed, so long as they are not permitted to have standards of…

An error of judgment?

Salleh Buang, NST AS I was about to leave my office in Alor Star on Wednesday, I received a call from a journalist who wanted to know if a conversation between two individuals (A and B) on the…

Acting role for PM likely

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has, in a surprising turn of events, emerged as a candidate to fill the vacant Education Minister’s post. (The Star) - A Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia supreme council…

DAP – from a tiger to a puppy

What does that say of the DAP? My conclusion – DAP is only effective as an opposition party. It is out of place in the government. FRANCIS PAUL SIAH I guess many of my DAP friends will be…

Religious brainwashing in schools

FA Abdul, Malaysiakini A few years ago, when my son was still studying at a secondary school in Kuala Lumpur, I received a letter from the school informing me about "Kem Kepimpinan Pelajar Islam"…

Mahathir sudah tak logik

P Ramasamy, Malaysiakini Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad might be less and less right on international affairs than he was ever before. The argument of interference into the internal…

We’re not descendants of coolies!

We can understand why minister Teresa Kok wants Malaysians to respect foreign workers, but we must not belittle our own ancestors just because we need to respect the migrant workers. Tay Tian…