Life without Anwar

In truth, all three are politically symbiotic in that the appeal of each party is enhanced and weaknesses are shored up by the others. Scott Ng, FMT For PKR and Pakatan Rakyat, Sodomy 2 is a…

Watching each and every step

Have Chinese primary school boards of directors suffered from persecutory delusions, causing them to directly think of some agendas hiding behind the scene or mysterious motives whenever they…

The Selangor MB’s new clothes

Hazlan Zakaria, The Ant Daily Despite exhortations of being able to solve Selangor's woes he claimed was caused by the inadequacy or intentional sabotage of his predecessor, newly crowned MB…

Azmin penyelamat PKR?

Dengan perancangan yang bijak dan teratur mampu melayakkannya menduduki kerusi Menteri Besar Selangor, jika direncanakan sebaik mungkin mampu melonjakkan Azmin untuk menduduki kerusi Presiden PKR.…

Agenda hapuskan SJKC, SJKT?

Ramai murid SJKC dan SJKT memiliki penguasaan Bahasa Malaysia lebih baik berbanding “penutur asli bahasa Melayu” di SK. Uthaya Sankar SB, Malay Mail Online Semasa forum bertajuk “Perlukah…

Pushing for ‘God’s law’

The PAS plan to implement hudud law in Kelantan is going full steam ahead despite opposition from its political partners and critics outside the state. Joceline Tan, The Star IT has been…

The curios case of Gopal Sri Ram

Raggie Jessy A courtroom is a crucible. In it, we burn away all irrelevancies, until we are left with a purer product, one we could hold to be a truth for all time or until such a time, when…

The new politics of Khairy Jamaluddin

Time will tell if Khairy Jamaluddin could one day gain the trust of Malaysia’s penultimate power broker. But he is beginning to make headway among the youth and the moderates, who are slowly…

Malaysians don’t trust the judiciary?

It spells trouble for any country when the public loses confidence in the judicial system for it is this system that the citizen turns to for resolution to disputes, including disputes with the…

What now Pua? 1MDB has fired back!

Pua should do more homework and research to maintain accuracy or his integrity and credibility would be severely dented.  Ng Kee Seng, The Ant Daily 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) today…

Answering the 1MDB critics

Sir Wenger Khairy, The Rakyat Post THERE have been recent attempts to besmirch the good name of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak by alleging impropriety behind the operations of 1 Malaysia…

Anwar: From Hamlet to Biblical Messiah

While Anwar plotted Khalid’s dismissal, His Royal Highness the Ruler of Selangor, assassinated Anwar’s credibility by favouring Azmin, denying Azizah a ‘throne’. Raggie Jessy Has anyone read…

Anwar’s true legacy

His influence amongst Pakatan partners has reached its lowest ebb. Perhaps it is time he gentrifies his legacy to the next generation by stepping back, realising that new politics should no longer…

Fear the rabble-rouser

(MMO) - Why are these sort of people trying to manipulate me into fearing and hating something on the basis of differences that doesn’t really affect my life? Halloween is not…