Who really is a Malaysian?

Now, who is and is not a Malaysian? Does Umno decide this? Worse still, does Perkasa, or its cousin, Isma, decide this? KJ John, National Express This question needs to be now be truthfully…

Crucial time for Anwar

Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is approaching another critical moment in his career as the apex court readies to hear his sodomy case appeal. But there is a different mood in his party this time around.…

The dog delusion

Zurairi AR, The Malay Mail A week has passed since the “I Want to Touch a Dog” event, which predictably turned controversial as it involved the second most taboo animal among Muslims: man’s…

Dangerous precedents

Indonesia's new president Joko Widodo has vowed to suppress racism and religious extremism while Myanmar has liberalized its economy. If we were to continue engross ourselves in ethnic and…

Clerics should guide, not impose

Khairie Hisyam Aliman, Malay Mail Online The furore over Muslims touching dogs this week have highlighted one particular aspect in our society: the widening chasm between the religious scholars…

Which mazhab is the best? Ours?

Does it mean that Malaysia looks at all the other mazhabs as wrong and only the one mazhab practised by the majority in the country is the one true form of Islam?  Zan Azlee, TMI I went for…

How BN/Umno props up Anwar

Umar Mukhtar When a question was asked how many of the 52% who voted for the opposition want Anwar as PM, the smug retort was how many of the 48% of those who voted BN want Najib as PM. Who…

Don’t let hatred lead to injustice

Sometimes it feels like we are being asked to despise an ever-growing list of people and things. How does hating anything and everything make us happy and better Muslims? Marina Mahathir, The…

Pakatan needs a reboot

It's time for the coalition to be upfront with what it stands for, not what PAS, PKR or DAP individually stands for. T K Chua Lim Kit Siang may have fallen short of his usual astute…

Anwar The Con Artiste (Epitaph VII)

Umar Mukhtar Does the 52% of the electorate who voted for the opposition at the last general elections all want Anwar to be PM? Does the 52% also think that Anwar is not guilty of sodomy?…

Let’s stop this pendatang nonsense

Khairie Hisyam Aliman, Malay Mail Online So finally someone shot back in style to the Malay supremacists. Last Sunday, a Gerakan man told UMNO last Sunday that Malays are supposedly ‘pendatang’…

Flowing ideas, porous borders

(MMO) - To close avenues for discussions and dialogues would only induce secret or underground activities especially among the restless youths, which can be more insidious. The controversial…

Muslims, stop judging, will you?

Hafidz Baharom, Malay Mail Online I decided to take a break from the socioeconomics involved in Bajet 2015 in order to look at just the social issues for once. And honesty it was a huge mistake…

Yes, sack all racist leaders

Any politician, government or opposition, who claims to represent the people must represent the people as a whole. Scott Ng, Free Malaysia Today Gerakan President Mah Siew Keong had it right…

What’s up with touching a dog?

Make sure you have done your homework to be able to make that choice instead of just relying on hand me down knowledge.  Zarif Ismail, TMI When I first saw the "I Want to Touch a Dog" event…

Cultural Purity is an Oxymoron

by Luqman L The current discourse of ‘Malays being pendatang’ initially prompted me to write a letter in which I hoped to provide a researched and balanced historical overview. Since RPK has…

It Never Ends, This Reformasi Shit..

He wants 1998 reformasi to reverberate across the corridors of power once more, while simultaneously casting PAS on the fritz.  Raggie Jessy Anwar Ibrahim has had a foot in Azizah’s grave…

Dr M turns up the heat

It is tough to be criticised by the awesome Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, but Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak is holding up to the attacks and his standing in Umno is unshaken. Joceline Tan, The Star…