Democracy movements face tests

Lim Sue Goan, Sin Chew Daily Whenever lawyers march in protest to fight for democracy and freedom, it reflects something is wrong in the judiciary. The Bar Council had so far organised four…

Terrorising the Christian minority

(MMO) - Looking at the way things are going now, it’s perfectly possible to start a witch-hunt against the Christian minority without fear of state sanction. De facto law minister Nancy Shukri…

Kak Wan eyeing Azmin’s power base?

Selangor has long been Azmin’s power base and that has been the basis of his claim for the mentri besar post all these years. But he may have to fight off two powerful women to hold on to his…

Clearing the air on monarch’s role

Syed Haizam Jamalullail, The Star FIVE years ago, I co-wrote an article with Tunku Abidin Muhriz in this newspaper entitled, “The democracy of a constitutional monarchy.” We noted the role…

When all roads lead to Petaling Jaya

There is no point in saying that others are doing it. The buck stops with you. Everyone must play their part. Only then, you can start complaining about what the authorities are doing wrong. …

Protecting the right to speak

When you allow people to express themselves peacefully and when you ensure one group does not harass another group, what you would be achieving in the long term is a peaceful society. Azmi…

Anwar the Sore Loser (Epitaph VI)

Umar Mukhtar As far as confrontations go, it was a total defeat for Anwar vis-a-vis HRH the Sultan of Selangor. A classic hands-up-in-the-air-type of surrender, complete with lame face-saving…

A Diagnosis Gone Wrong

Raggie Jessy "Don't ask from us if you support Pakatan", says Najib. Now, while pro-Pakatan factions are a tad too preponderant and somewhat racist with contemptible demands, the vast…

Will Adenan go all the way?

Talk of an early state election is in the air even as the Sarawak Chief Minister is still trying to find his footing, establish his mark and address thorny issues like corruption and good…

Why PAS wants Dr M to shut up

The party is at a loss to explain its cooperation with “infidels”. Roslan Bistamam, Free Malaysia Today PAS is upset that former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad has criticised its Tahaluf…