Whose country was this? Whose is it now?

The advocates of a multicultural Malaysia should therefore be comfortable in believing both that “Malaysia belongs to all Malaysians today” and “Malaysia was the lands of Malays and the indigenous…

BN gets F on its report card

GE14 is just about three years away, and Najib has much to contend with even with a weakened Pakatan. Ishmael Lim, Free Malaysia Today The sun must be shining for Najib and BN with the Umno…

Langkah sumbang MB baru

Tindakan Azmin membekukan akaun SMUE bukan sahaja sebagai isyarat beliau mahu menghukum Khalid Ibrahim tetapi seluruh rakyat di Pelabuhan Klang dan Bandar Tun Razak. Adam Abu Bakar, FMT…

A note on sedition (Gandhi Jayanti!)

(MMO) - The reason why government officials without a sliver of reason worth debating can go on and on about the millions who are supporting them in absentia is because the activists in the…

PAS, Opposition at the crossroads

Yang Razali Kassim, Today Online Watching the tension-filled muktamar, or annual congress, of Parti Islam Se-Malaysia (PAS) unfold recently in Batu Pahat was like following a burning fuse…

Let’s play government

With Azmin in charge of nearly everything that matters, the other nine Excos can just loaf about. Roslan Bistamam, Free Malaysia Today One thing that I have never understood is what do these…

The sedition of Aziz Bari

He is purported to have said, 'Only God, not the Sultan, has absolute powers.' Ishmael Lim, Free Malaysia Today The recent Menteri Besar crisis in Selangor has claimed another casualty apart…

Biar Azmin bertatih sendiri

Anwar hanya layak untuk memberi nasihat, bukan arahan, kerana perbuatan demikian adalah satu tindakan yang menjolok mata. Lisa Adam, FMT Belum pun panas kerusi Menteri Besar (MB)…

The albatross around Azmin’s neck

What a mess Azmin has got himself into just because Anwar opened his mouth to announce what he instructed Azmin to do. Roslan Bistamam, Free Malaysia Today Anwar Ibrahim announced recently…

Selangor Crisis: Meet the Puppets

Azmin’s ascent was a calculated progression, effected by a Ruler who probably portended dysphoric enmity within PKR’s inner circles. Raggie Jessy and Ah Lis “You must not fight too often with…

Trouble brewing within PAS

The clash between the Anwarists and ulama is evident even as the party regroups following the by-election loss. Baradan Kuppusamy, The Star THE hero’s welcome given to two PAS state…

Anwar seeking redemption

Umar Mukhtar After the months of unnecessary theatrics, Anwar now claims that a deep scrutiny of all the agreements signed by Khalid will reveal why Khalid has to go. Anwar knows who the…

‘Short sleeves, long pants MB’

Azmin Ali will hit the ground running as Selangor Mentri Besar but his toughest challenge is to match the clean record set by his predecessor. Joceline Tan, The Star THE evening before Azmin…

Pakatan Rakyat di ambang senja?

Farouk A Peru, The Malaysian Insider Sudah lama saya teringin menggunakan frasa 'di ambang senja' dalam konteks politik. Semasa zaman remaja, saya membeli buku tulisan Ahmad Lutfi Muhammad yang…

Uphill task for new Selangor MB

Mentri Besar Azmin Ali will be presiding over a complicated team of rivals as he struggles to put the Selangor crisis behind him. Joceline Tan IT was evident that most media people were…

Is BN’s fortune rising?

All things remaining constant, a lower turnout should have seen the majority shrink proportionally in the Pengkalan Kubor by-election. Ishmael Lim, FMT No political party should take a…

Calm before the storm?

Lim Mun Fah, Sin Chew Daily Following the swearing-in of Mohamed Azmin Ali, the dust has finally settled on the Selangor MB crisis. But it is not yet time to draw a sigh of relief as the…

Anwar wants Azmin out

The PKR supremo is laying the groundwork for a vote of no confidence. Roslan Bistamam, FMT The talk in social media is that Anwar Ibrahim had planned for Azmin Ali to be appointed the…

The Kajang hangover

Praba Ganesan, Malay Mail Online Two men, a rabbi and a left-handed priest, walked into a bar. They were OK until they realised they were in Selangor, and realised further — almost…

Denouement: The MB saga ends

Through it all, this episode (if one could call it that) revealed to the people a side of coalition politics that is rarely played out in the open: conflict resolution. Fahmi Fadzil, The Star…

Testing times ahead for Azmin

Azman Ujang, The Sun Daily DATUK Seri Anwar Ibrahim's undoing has proven to be a blessing in disguise for Azmin Ali, who on Tuesday became Selangor's new mentri besar in a dramatic fashion.…

Cleaning up the mess in Selangor

Sin Chew Daily After Bukit Antarabangsa assemblyman Azmin Ali took his oath as the new Selangor Mentri Besar, the storm that had struck the state for several months has finally passed, leaving…

Dearth of Leadership in Pakatan

Kua Kia Soong, SUARAM Adviser Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim’s (TSKI) last executive action in closing the Selangor Economic Adviser’s Office should not be seen merely as a symbolic or even a spiteful…