Sultan played his cards skilfully

He is no novice in the game of thrones Roslan Bistamam, Free Malaysia Today When PKR sacked Khalid Ibrahim from the party, the Sultan of Selangor knew that it was game over for the 14th…

Anwar blinked, as usual (Epitaph V)

Umar Mukhtar That was some mushy soap-opera! Anwar had us believe that all that shenanigan was just an elaborate exercise in standing firm against an imaginary predator. It was actually simply …

A crucial crossroad

The State's business is not to ensure that citizens are not offended. The State would be kept very busy if it had to step in every time people take offence. Syahredzan Johan, The Star  IF…

A judge who deserves our contempt

The Malays would not cease to exist, if Malays were to reject racial and religious indoctrination. On the other hand, parties like Umno-Baru and PAS, and extremist NGOs like Perkasa and Pekida are…

An arrogant stand

There are Malaysians, unfortunately, who cannot draw the difference between loyalty to the country and loyalty to the government. Wong Chun Wai, The Star THE Member of Parliament for…

There’s no stopping Dr M

The Umno rank and file is unsure whether Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s continuing criticism of Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak will help the government or bring it down. Joceline Tan EVERYONE in Umno…

Kebocoran kertas UPSR: Muhyiddin menipu?

Amin Iskandar, The Malaysian Insider Semalam, Ketua Setiausaha Kementerian Pendidikan Tan Sri Dr Madinah Mohamad membuat kejutan apabila mengatakan Pengarah Lembaga Peperiksaan Malaysia (LPM),…

PAS and the recruiting of God

Zurairi AR, The Malay Mail There was a particularly awkward moment during the PAS annual congress, or muktamar, on Friday when a delegate chose to use his debate time slot to instead lead a…

Is PAS like ants in one’s pants?

We are seeing Pakatan Rakyat implode right before our eyes, and PAS is taking the blame for it Selena Tay, Free Malaysia Today Although the structure of Pakatan Rakyat (PR) is still intact…

Malaysia’s Sultans Regain Power

Barisan Nasional has seen it convenient to regenerate the power of the sultans to use them as a cudgel against the opposition despite the legislation pushed through by Mahathir. John…

Hadi hits out at PAS critics

PAS is still with Pakatan but its love affair with Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is over.  Joceline Tan, The Star Party president put those who had tried to dilute the views of the ulama in their…

The shaky Pakatan alliance

PAS and PKR/DAP are enemies fighting a common enemy, Umno. The true nature of the relationship will emerge if they take over Putrajaya. Roslan Bistamam, FMT When it was revealed that PAS…

Clouds over PAS muktamar

PAS president Datuk Seri Hadi Awang is bracing himself for a fiery muktamar next week that will see his supporters rising to defend him against those critical of his stand on the Selangor crisis.…