HSA is only one part of the problem

Prior to Mahathir’s privatization drive in the mid-1980s, our public healthcare system was among the best in the world–where rich and poor received the same commitment and access to healthcare…

Komunis selamatkan Anwar?

MOHD NASIR ABDULLAH, HARAKAH SUDAH banyak kali kita dihidangkan dengan cerita Komunis dalam banyak laporan berita di Malaysia mutakahir ini. Cerita kisah lama yang menyayat hati dan melukakan…

Perhimpunan Komunis Di Kajang?

Dr. Ahmad Sanusi Azmi 1. Menurut Harian Metro, hampir 400 orang termasuk bekas ahli kumpulan pengganas Parti Komunis Malaya (PKM) mengadakan perjumpaan di Kajang. Perhimpunan semalam telah…

The Butcher of Bekor is back

By Capt John Seademon Six years ago a psychopathic god called Chin Peng, kicked the bucket. He died as he had lived – on a foreign soil, as a foreigner. Chin Peng was never a citizen of this…

Mahathir and Germany

With the wrong choice for a leader, Malaysia might end up with an "Adolf Hitler", said Dr. Mahathir at the launching of the first alumni convention of Malaysia Future Leaders School (MFLS).…

Will Pakatan be a one-term wonder?

PH was more intent in winning over Malay support rather than retaining the non-Malay vote bank. Mahathir, however hard he might try, cannot outdo Umno and PAS in attracting the majority of Malays…

Mazlan Should Be Blamed for Tg Piai

While the top leadership takes the heat for its failure in Tanjung Piai, perhaps the true culprits lie in middle-management? Mohd Hafizan Amran If there is one word to describe the recent…

Where have all the brave men gone?

Today, these people on whom we once pinned our hopes have become mute, a pale shadow of their former selves, toeing the line rather than resisting it. Clement Stanley, FMT letter There was a…


Syamin Syabudin Dalam tidak sedar, hujung tahun ini kita sekali lagi akan berdepan dengan satu lagi perubahan landskap politik. Memang ia tidak sebesar atau ‘segempar’ rombakan kabinet mahupun…

We are NOT ‘Pendatangs’ in Malaysia!

What we have today are not ‘pendatangs’ but full-fledged bona fide citizens of Malaysia who are guaranteed their legal status under Article 8 of the Federal Constitution P Ramakrishnan Those…

DAP tukang pecahkan pakatan

PEMIMPIN-pemimpin PAN dan DAP kuat menabur fitnah bahawa PAS tidak setia dalam berpakat dan tukang pecahkan pakatan. Ini adalah satu jenayah akademik yang besar, memutarbelitkan fakta sejarah…