DAP is being sabotaged from within

Adam Tan, Malay Mail Online I have been a supporter of the Democratic Action Party ever since 2008. I was elated when Barisan Nasional fell last year, and the DAP managed to form Government at…

Syed Saddiq’s Fifteen Minutes

Daniel Ong The Foodpanda debacle in recent months had no doubt left a bitter taste in Syed Saddiq’s mouth. What began as a “genuine concern” for the welfare of young Malaysian workers turned…

Belanjawan 2020 banyak kelemahan

Zahida Zarik Khan, Ketua Pergerakan Puteri Umno Malaysia Adakah pihak kerajaan yakin yang mereka akan memperolehi RM300 billion untuk membiayai Belanjawan 2020 yang dibentangkan pada hari…

Budget 2020 is too pro-Malay

While some Malaysian’s received the national budget with smiles on their faces, I, as well as many others, have not been swept up in the propaganda of elation and have deemed the 2020 budget as yet…

Let’s call a spade a spade

I find it ironic that you call out other politicians for this when you are no better than those you are criticizing. Ethan Ho Syed Saddiq, we all hear your call to end of needless politicking on…

We voted for lions, not mice

When Pakatan Harapan secured power in GE14, many voters expected the beginning of the end for the massive government-business crony complex that had long been synonymous with nepotism, collusion and…

Unity & Malaysia Day

Unity.  Our politicians demand this while entrenching long term barriers towards this. Brian Lee As we celebrated Malaysia Day earlier last week, the news cycle was dominated by demands by…

Hayati agenda sebenar Penyatuan Ummah

DEWAN Ulamak PAS Pusat menyeru rakyat Malaysia khususnya para pendukung PAS dan Umno untuk menghayati agenda sebenar penyatuan ummah. PAS meletakkan asas yang kukuh bersumberkan firman Allah S.W.T…

A window into BERSATU’s house of cards

BERSATU has repeatedly challenged everyone, from royal families to ordinary Malaysians, when it comes to the way they do things and handle themselves. With Tun Dr Mahathir at its helm, it reeks of…

Return to the Mahathir Cronyism Complex

It is no secret that Mahathir generously spreads the wealth around his close circle and friends. After all, companies linked to his family often secures GLC tenders, better financing, government…