Is Mahathir Holier Than Najib?

Is Latheefah Koya, newly appointed MACC Chief handpicked by Mahathir personally, capable and willing to investigate this billion ringgit bail-out? Zaedi Zolkafli In March 1998, Malaysia…

A pack of wolves for Malaysia?

We'll see if they can get all their candidates, be they parliamentary or state assembly candidates, to be bankrolled by Umno. At RM10,000 per candidate, that comes to hundreds of millions, which…

Pakatan Harapan dan isu LGBT

Mengapa pendirian PH terhadap agenda LGBT begitu mengelirukan? Jawapannya mudah: ia adalah sebahagian daripada manifesto mereka. Oleh itu, seperti hal lain dalam manifesto mereka - nampaknya…

A case for Bangsa Johor and the Federation

Hassan Karim should look at ways to improve the relations between the various states in the federation with the federal government. Aside from fostering a more diverse national identity, he should…

New CCTV footage

By cheGuBard With the spread of CCTV footage inside the hotel Four Point Sheraton Sandakan hotel linked to an alleged slanderous attack reveals the existence of a conspiracy to bring Azmin Ali…

Bersedialah untuk Reformasi 2.0

(Malaysiakini) - Semenjak dua minggu yang lepas negara digemparkan dengan satu lagi adegan video yang dikatakan membabitkan seorang menteri. Maka riuhlah segala media samada media sosial,…