Press statement by Kua Kia Soong, SUARAM Adviser 5 June 2019 The appointment of Lateefa Koya as the head of the MACC has raised questions of her independence and effectiveness for the job, and…

Salam Mukhriz and a Ramadan Truce

Mukhriz Mahathir, like his father, Tun Mahathir, has always been less than cordial to the royal institution as seen in the media. Husni Zakaria A common sign of respect among cultures is the…

Banking on banks to have a heart

The timing of commercial banks in raising their BLR by 10 basis points almost on cue about a month ago is surprising to the man in the street. Did these banks have prior knowledge of the timing of…

Fight with facts, not name-calling

It is easy to get everyone excited by calling someone you disagree with “stupid” , but it takes a lot more effort to argue with facts. Shafiq Abdullah Malaysians have been graced by an…


Negeri Johor baru sahaja menyempurnakan pelantikan Menteri Besar dan barisan Ahli Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri (EXCO). Saya harap selepas ini tumpuan akan diberikan kepada ikhtiar membangun…

Resignation raises unpleasant questions

Is Razali’s resignation a symbolic protest against the powers that be with regards to the lackadaisical manner in which they responded to the findings of the public inquiry conducted by Suhakam on…

Govt can’t behave like opposition

Ku Ali, NST LAST week, while campaigning in the Rantau by-election, a minister allegedly called on voters to vote only for “their own”. He thought by speaking in his vernacular tongue, he…

Focus elsewhere, Tun

The history of Malaysia however, points to only one person who has held almost-absolute power with tyrannical tendencies, and he was not from any of the royal families. Shafiq Abdullah Some…

YB Jelutong, Sila Tunjuk Bukti!

P. Kamalanathan Saya telah menerima email daripada penyokong YB RSN Rayer, Jelutong yang memberikan "print screen" komunikasi YB Rayer dengan salah seorang rakyat yang beliau telah berkongsi…

Stop self-sabotaging, Harapan

Ku Ali, Malaysiakini On April 11, a minister made a speech in Rantau telling members of one community to only vote their own. He thought that since he delivered the speech in his vernacular…

PRK Rantau: Tahniah Tok Mat

Syukur kepada Allah dengan hidayah-Nya yang memberi petunjuk kepada pengundi untuk memilih YB. Dato' Seri Utama Haji Mohamad bin Haj iHasan bagi mewakili rakyat bermasyarakat majmuk di Dun Rantau.…