Is This the Promised Malaysia Baru?

Quick, stock up your fridges! Brian Lee It is 11 months after the historical 9th May 2018 General Elections where the majority of Malaysians chose to give Pakatan Harapan their vote with…

Race relation not addressed

Are we committed to stop this or do we just carry on till one day we have civil war? Saravanan We have already seen 2 by-elections and coming up is the Rantau by-election. I am just watching…


Adakah Najib lupa... 1. Kereta futuristik (terbang) sbhgian drpd manifesto BN? 2. 11 bulan yg lalu dia kata "kagum saya lihat kereta blh terbang"? 3. Proton zaman dia PM janjikan kereta…

Is DAP a victim of Malay microaggression?

Indeed, whereas DAP is not responsible for the May 13 riot of 1969, the urban myth that Lim Kit Siang  single-handedly triggered the racial riot remains fresh in the construction and reconstruction…

Sabah and Sarawak Should Stay Neutral

Being neutral is the best option for political parties in Sabah and Sarawak. They can demand more by doing that, just as PAS is doing in Kelantan and Terengganu. Ahmad Faiz Faiza UMNO Sabah…

Kenyataan Lim Guan Eng Sangat Bahaya

Oleh : Nasrudin bin Hassan, Ketua Penerangan PAS Pusat 1. Parti Islam Se-Malaysia (PAS) mengecam ulasan Lim Guan Eng yang menyifatkan kerjasama politik PAS dan UMNO sebagai isyarat ‘perang’…

NGOs as Puppets in Malaysia Baharu

Is everything a numbers game that people are so desperate to include any random organizations Brian Lee On 25th February 2019, Malaysiakini published an article covering the joint statement…

Chronicle of Lim Guan Eng’s Corruption

It can't be a coincidence that the cost of the project announced by Lim Guan Eng is approximately equivalent to cost announced by China Railway Construction Corporation.  Ong Eu Soon On  6 Oct…


Nooryana Najib Saya tidak boleh lupa hari-hari yang berlalu selepas 9 Mei 2018, hari BN kalah pilihanraya umum ke-14. Pada pagi keesokan harinya, ayah saya membaca surat khabar seperti biasa…

Why PH really lost Cameron Highlands

TK Chua / FMT This is not unexpected. Politicians from both sides of the divide and pundits are out in full force, trying to explain the outcome of the Cameron Highlands by-election. I, too,…


Kenyataan Media Presiden PAS 1. Syukur kepada Allah dengan hidayah-Nya yang memberi petunjuk kepada pengundi untuk memilih calon beragama Islam bagi mewakili rakyat dan masyarakat majmuk di…