CASSA welcomes the decision taken by the government to reintroduce the tested and worked formula of the weekly float with periodic intervention when needed. This formula has worked in the past…

Disabled left out in the cold

LOOKING back at 2018, without a doubt, the installation of a #NewMalaysia government was the most significant event. But sadly, the year has been one filled with disappointment for the disabled…

We can start with village elections

I BELIEVE that many Malaysians are still surprised and taken aback by the unexpected announcement by Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad that local elections will not be held. The people ask…

Apa Yang Terancam?

Bagaimana kalau pihak gereja mula pasang loudspeaker untuk sekalian tempat dengar khutbah Ahad mereka? Ooh.. nanti aqidah kita lari. Jihad! Engku Nasrun Update disclaimer: “Ini tentang…

CM Chow should not insult Penangites

Ravinder Singh. Free Malaysia Today Penang Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow’s comments aimed at non-governmental organisations critical of the state government’s policies on the environment are…

Is  ‘Malaysia Baru’ real?

Commercial considerations used to be the main criteria for the relocation of Hindu places of worship in the Barisan Nasional era. One of the consequence of that policy was the routing of BN…

Of starting and stoking fires

I FIND it incredulous, to the point of being angry even, that there are still people who choose to be in an almost perpetual state of denial. As a taxpayer, I do expect that money spent must…

Truth in favour of ICERD

Azlina Harun, Tebrau The recent bold statement by the Minister in the Prime Minister’s department in favour of the nation moving towards ratifying the ICERD with reservation and the…