ECRL Requiem

KijangMas Perkasa I had originally written a different piece on the ECRL and planned to post it today . . . but since the content has been overtaken by events, I will instead plough through the…

PAS, you are ignorant and intolerant

To expect the whole nation to applaud a controversial decision of a court is being naïve – this is another word for stupid! P. Ramakrishnan, Aliran member Suhakam, the Human Rights Commission,…

You pay peanuts, you get monkeys

Anti-Wayang One of the unqualified success of the Najib govt was his GLC transformation plan which aimed to put the best person available for the job. This has resulted in big improvements…

Stop this provocation

Dato' Paduka Dr. Ibrahim Ali, Presiden Perkasa Koon Yew Yin has been talking a lot nowadays but when others also talk he attacks them and tells them to obey whatever decisions Pakatan Harapan…

A story for Tun

Days after dad passed away, Mom emptied out all her life savings and EPF savings to pay off the Malay partner. Just like that. Free money into his pocket for no contribution to the company…

Once the honeymoon is over

Joe Najib I believe the government of the day faces a tougher challenge to retain office than BN ever did. 1. The flowery promises it made to elevate the rakyat's living standards and reduce…

Guan Eng appears utterly confused

ANTI-WAYANG Guan Eng says that RM3 billion was stolen from TRX in order to service 1MDB's debt. He also says that the govt will now need to bail out TRX with an additional RM2.8 billion in…