A tale of two pipelines

Anti-Wayang Recently, two pipeline projects in Malaysia were in focus amidst allegations from Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng that the China contractor was paid ahead of construction milestones.…

Stop Penang Transport Master Plan

Dear Sirs, While the move to review all mega infrastructure projects is laudable, it is imperative for the Pakatan Harapan government to review the RM46 billion Penang Transport Master Plan…

Pakatan people are no angels either

Faiq Khalifa I think I've been silent long enough. Well apart from being cynical and taking some pot shots at PH and BN dipstick and all that, it's time to kick some senses into those thick…

What Lim Kit Siang wants for Malaysia

Pakatan Harapan leaders, who made history on May 9, must ensure that history is made in Malaysia in the next five years to rebuild a New Malaysia with systemic and institutional reforms accompanied…

Who Should Be Charged For 1MDB?

I agree with Aziz Sheikh Fadzir that the government should hurry and charge those interviewed by PAC for lying, like the BOD, the auditors, Arul Kanda and Shahrol. Charge them and let the truth come…