Blind to the zebra crossing

IT is a shame that one of the most seemingly useless things in Malay­sia is the zebra crossing. A Malaysian Zebra, The Star There is definitely confusion among many Malaysians on how zebra…


Kenyataan saudara Rais Hussin, Ahli Majlis Tertinggi PPBM, yang mengatakan bahawa "Isu Anwar bukanlah Keutamaan" PH adalah seupama *'Belanda mendapat Tanah'*. Pembentukkan PH adalah hasil…

FELDA’s Semarak land “loss”

(LSS) - Sometime in 2014, FELDA announced that it was planning to develop its pieces of land near the city centre at Jalan Semarak. The plan was to develop a 68 floors building at that site.…

Najib, the emperor with no clothes

Whether they like it or not, both Najib and his wife Rosmah Mansor are not liked figures among the electorate. Liew Chin Tong, Free Malaysia Today If Najib Razak remains the only Prime…

Sad tale of the 10-sen coin no one wants

I RECENTLY took a LRT ride from KLCC to KL Sentral. As soon as I sat down, I noticed a 10-sen coin on the floor. Although the train was crowded, no one picked it up. Pola Singh, The Star I’m…


Saya baru sahaja dimaklumkan mengenai sidang media Rafizi Ramli yang menuduh saya melantik abang saya sebagai kontraktor pelaksana Expo NegaraKu. Dalam sidang medianya, Rafizi mengatakan bahawa…

Can you stand the hypocrisy?

Eric See-To Example One: When certain royalty criticised BN leaders such as Tan Sri Annuar Musa, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz and Khairy Jamaluddin for various issues over the past year, Pakatan…