Have You Forgotten Me?

Meera Badmanaban Have you forgotten me? I am the boy whose legs turned black. You saw my amputated legs; didn’t you? The rubber hose was his form of attack. I prayed hard for the torture to…

Respect out of fear is no respect at all

For over 45 years the relationship between Malaysians born out of mutual respect seems to have worked, but for the last 15 years, that doesn't seem to be the case. Roysten Silvanathan, Free…

Do you know?

(LSS) - Why DAP has repeatedly refused to condemn Superman Hew Kuan Yau for all those racist and nasty things he had said such as "Use Melayu to Skrew Melayu to watch best show of lifetime",…

Why equate taxes with Islam?

Raja Sara Petra I have noticed some PAS or religious people bringing Islam into the debate on GST. They are suggesting that the GST may not quite be 'Sharia-compliant'. If you want to debate…

The Professor Who Only Professes

Maybe Ramasamy should shed some light on governance of his state with regards to the Indian community. It would be wonderful if Ramasamy could give a breakdown on how much money the Penang state…

Ubah Sabah

Warisan has already garnered strong support in the East Coast region and their entry into Tambunan, Kundasang, Ranau and most of all the Kadazan stronghold of Penampang would most certainly spell…