Men – The Predators of Crocs

Crocodiles do not set out to hunt humans S M Mohd Idris, President Sahabat Alam Malaysia (SAM) Each time a crocodile appears, people go into a frenzy.  Each time a crocodile attacks a person,…

A Dictator’s Mindset

They want BN to stop PAS because they believe the law would affect non-Muslims but they defend their own government’s amendment because they say it doesn’t affect non-Muslims. Mak Khuin Weng…

Stop whining please, Tony

Raja Sara Petra Tony Pua is yet again whining about 1MDB and, as usual, Sarawak Report immediately picked up what Tony said and used it as a ‘quote’. That is their normal modus operandi. Tony will…


If that is the reason MCA should quit, shouldn’t DAP quit the Selangor government too? Mak Khuin Weng Lim Kit Siang appears to be very fond of asking the non-Umno BN members to quit their…

Non-Muslims Are Never Against Islam

Dear Y.M. Raja Petra Kamarudin, After reading the aforementioned article that was derived from your website, I categorically denounce it as a piece of insolent writing which is imbued with much…

Malaysia’s new Auditor General

Goh Wei Liang The Opposition is going all out to discredit Tan Sri Madinah Mohamad, our new Auditor General, just because she isn't from the auditing world and her husband is an UMNO man.…

The Politics of RUU 355

But what about a third option for those of us who don’t exactly support or oppose it? Mak Khuin Weng PAS has had their parade in support of the RUU 355 amendments and those opposed to it…

Will the real Tun M please stand up

Kong Len Wei The first time I met Tun Dr. Mahathir in the flesh was in 1999. BN was fresh from winning the general election in November and I was charged to chauffeur my father, who was a…

Can PAS retain Kelantan?

The myth that PAS could be a national spoiler, as a third force, particularly to Pakatan Harapan, in GE14 needs to be examined closely. Liew Chin Tong, Free Malaysia Today Is PAS really…

The kapchai menace must be stopped

George Thomas, New Straits Times  Reports of objections to the Federal Territories Minister’s proposal to ban small motorcycles from the streets of Kuala Lumpur are off-target. On the contrary,…