Azmin, what about your ‘rasuah’?

Raja Sara Petra In April this year, The Star reported: "DESPITE incurring costs amounting to RM1.1bil for providing 20 cubic metres of free water to households in Selangor, Mentri Besar Datuk Seri…

Menjawab Ezam

Mohd Faisal Rohban Ahmad 1. Seperti dijangka, alat sewaan politik yang bernama Ezam Mohd Noor tidak akan berani menyaman orang yang mencabarnya supaya disaman dan akan memperlekehkan pencabar.…

Malaysia: A Place of Refuge

Bernard Goh “Fire. There was fire everywhere. The rioters set fire to my house as delirium set in. I scrambled out of my village on foot, carrying my baby while I left behind everything I had.…

Rafizi Ramli lied again

(LSS) - Sotong does it again. Bergurau, menghasut, memfitnah is what he does best. In conjunction with the MRT phase 1 opening today, PM Najib announced that the Sungai Buloh to Kajang MRT…

DeadPAN Comedy (Pun Intended)

By Mak Khuin Weng In Malaysia, politics is a source of drama that even the best TV series cannot rival: intrigue, scandals and backstabbing treachery aplenty. But sometimes our political…

Mahathir’s poetic justice

Raja Sara Petra It was Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad who said that the Rulers sold out the country and betrayed the Malays in 1946 by agreeing to the British plan for the Malayan Union. Mahathir said…

Some toil, some spoil

What’s a few thousand here and there that the company won’t even notice considering the mind boggling profits it rakes in every year anyway? Emma Black, Free Malaysia Today How often have…

A solution to RUU 355

This is a satirical piece meant to make my fellow Malaysians reflect on just how stupid the discussion on RUU 355 is becoming. Mak Khuin Weng Dear Datuk Seri Najib Razak, Allow me to…

Bersih and Change

The voice of 10,000 Rakyat does not matter to Azmin's administration Agos Muhd BERSIH 5.0’s turnout of roughly 40,000 people (according to Malaysiakini) last Saturday sounds impressive at…

Rakyat sedang dipergunakan

Melalui laungan keramat, suara rakyat, “people power” dan sebagainya, rakyat secara mudahnya dimanipulasi menjadi satu gerakan untuk memenuhi agenda sesuatu parti dan kumpulan mahupun individu.…

Pakatan: Peddlers of Hope

Eight years on and they are still trying to sell what’s possible rather than list out what they have achieved. Mak Khuin Weng Hope. It was what the united coalition of opposition parties of…

Malaysia’s Response to Trump’s Win

At no point in time did it occur to Pakatan leaders that they just might achieve more if they were civil to others, regardless of whether they were addressing their political opponents, the public…

A good government responds to changes

Raja Sara Petra Asia Sentinel said, “On October 21, Malaysia’s scandal-hit Prime Minister Najib Razak tabled a RM260.8 billion budget that is not only short on money and long on politics but seeks…

Enough with the complaints

Here's the news. We are in fact a third world country. Daniel Chandranayagam, The Sun Daily IT was a fine rainy Tuesday morning when I opened up social media with a cup of coffee, after…