Cutting off the nose to spite the face?

Where on earth can you get worldwide TV coverage for  3 days in a row for just USD 5 million? KC Lim It is almost 17 years to the date when SIC first hosted Formula 1. I remember it well…

SNTS Statement: Pengkhianat Rakyat

How can a member of Pakatan Harapan call out BN for breaking promises about toll rate subsidies yet have no gumption to condemn his own party members for being complicit in approving new…

Comment of Interview with Robert Kuok

"The Chinese being greedy, their deal is only monopoly, nothing else". Basir Ahmad Posting from interesting interview with Robert Kuok Oct 17, 2016 Encapsulating thoughts of Robert Kuok on…


Saya membaca satu laporan berita daripada akhbar Malay Mail Online bertajuk “Interfaith group urges MPs to reject Hadi’s Bill, says will empower hudud” menyebut bahawa The Malaysian Consultative…

PAS: Epitome of ego and arrogance

Hudud is NOT God’s law. It is preposterous for humans to make such a claim. It is a 100 per cent man-made law and that is why it has to be drafted by man, tabled in Parliament by man, approved by…

Pulak dah! Apa kebodohan ini?

(LSS) - Datuk Seri Khairuddin Abu Hassan menafikan pembabitannya dalam penerbitan buku ’50 Dalil Kenapa Anwar Ibrahim Tidak Boleh Jadi PM’ 18 tahun lalu. “Sejak 1998 sehingga sekarang, Anwar…

Should Race Matter in Politics?

By Mak Khuin Weng There's been a lot of messages going out about the need to oppose changes to the redeliniation exercise by the Election Commission (EC). To help with the objection exercise,…

Being In the Malays’ Shoes

Unity with equal rights for every citizen in this country is not possible. What we are practicing all this while is unity in diversity based on the social contract which exists in the form of the…

Hard for Hadi and the Hokkiens

How can intelligent people oppose something they know nothing about? Sahabat Seperjuangan, Free Malaysia Today What have Isma and Perkasa taking part in a coming liberalism conference in…

More condemnation on Jeff Ooi

Kenyataan Dr Kamarul Zaman Yusoff, Pengarah Institut Kajian Politik Malaysia Tindakan kurang ajar Jeff Oii meluahkan kegembiraan atas kematian Mursyidul Am Pas Datuk Dr Haron Din dalam…

Be Careful Keling!

Everyone, media practitioners, readers and the authorities should abide by the rules of the game and not get downright dirty in the tactics they use but conform to the code of conduct and ethics…

Is Muhyiddin clutching at straws?

Yet, where was Muhyiddin’s sympathy for Anwar during all those lost years? Rahim Zainuddin, Free Malaysia Today Ex-DPM Muhyiddin Yassin appears to be clutching at straws these days. With…

AG, you are a disgrace!

To dispel any perceived doubt that he is beholden to BN politicians, he chose to attire himself in BN uniform, regrettably shedding his required impartiality when he exercises his prosecutorial…

The Story of DASH

Billions of ringgit obviously speaks a lot louder than a group of residents whose lives are impacted by this lawless government. Michelle Wong When residents of Damansara Perdana and Mutiara…

DAP’s Dyana Dishy but Deceitful

Dyana, lies and deceit will not get you far; the sooner you realize this the better. Suraya  Nur Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud, DAP Youth Leader, has been known to be less than truthful about…

Malaysian First, Indian Second

The only reason he decided to carry a gun was because the Indian community dashed his dreams or even didn’t show him life is way more beautiful compared to violence. Navinn Rajendran I am a…

Meaning of Merdeka

Pakatan cannot change things because they will not make the rules transparent and accountable. Where the process of obtaining a passport or a driver’s license is clearly listed out online and…