Hindraf is back pointing fingers

Raghavan Nair The so-called Hindu Rights Action Force (HINDRAF) is back pointing fingers. Its ex-national advisor and current member of Hindraf People’s Movement, N. Ganesan, has jumped on the…

Self-defeating Pattern of the Opposition

The Opposition’s self-defeat is the major factor for BN’s winning formula to prevail. However, some Pakatan Harapan supporters and politicians continue to blame their defeat on the voters and the…

It is a win for the voters

BN only managed to get 35% of the Chinese voters, up from 10% in the last general election. This kind of voting trend is actually ideal in our multiracial, multireligious country. Kong Len…

Muhyiddin has to clear his name

LSS Recently, I have been asked why I am not commenting on Muhyiddin Yassin's alleged extra-marital sex-for-money issue and whether this is true or not. My answer to them is that this is…

Uphill battle for Pakatan Harapan

Dominic Chia It is very obvioust he Pakatan Harapan team lacks ideas on to woo the locals in the Sungai Besar and Kuala Kangsar by-elections. The Pakatan coalition represented by Amanah tend to…

Modern Day Aristocracy

Umar Zulk Imagine if you will a democracy, where its elected representatives are endowed with tremendous power, so powerful are these officials that they stand on different levels from their…

Pada Mu ya Allah daku berserah

Rita Salwany Mastura Yazid, nama yang dicalonkan untuk PRK di P067 bagi mengisi kekosongan arwah Allahyarham Dato Wan Khai’ril yang terlibat dengan trajedi helicopter terhempas di Sarawak.…

Confession of a big-time liquidator

Some people are apparently exempted from complying with the Companies Act From  Lost for Words via email An important question about fairness in the enforcement of the law was inadvertently…

The Wall Street Journal lied

PRIME MINISTER’S PRESS SECRETARY STATEMENT ON LATEST WALL STREET JOURNAL LIE 1.      An investigation should be launched into why the Wall Street Journal is taking sides in Malaysia’s politics…

Surat Terbuka buat Syed Saddiq

Masa adik 6 tahun, kami lawan di jalanraya. Gas pemedih mata dan water cannon tu biasa. Masa tu kami sungguh-sungguh lawan bukan semata-mata nak bela Anwar, kami nak Mahathir undur. Sama seperti…