Mukhriz Mahathir’s legal action

PRIME MINISTER’S PRESS SECRETARY’S STATEMENT 1.       It is ironic that Dato' Seri Mukhriz Mahathir has chosen to sue me. It is ‎his father Tun Mahathir Mohamed who always claims that the law…

Stay true to police work

Moral policing does not improve the quality of living in Malaysian cities. Reducing the crime rate does. G25 MALAYSIA, The Star WE refer to the announcement by the director-general of Jakim,…


Pepatah Arab ada mengatakan, "penduduk Mekah lebih tahu segala lorong dan lurahnya". Maka kenyatan Dr Zakir Naik secara ikhlas perlu dilihat mengikut pengamatan kita sendiri, di samping kita…

Finish what you started, Mueller

By Nufam, the National Union of Flight Attendants Malaysia The National Union of Flight Attendants Malaysia (Nufam) wants outgoing Malaysia Airlines Berhad CEO Christoph Muller to stay on and…

Why BN Supporters Defend Their Leaders

It has been a good 8 years since 2008, 17 years since PKR was formed and 59(!) years since DAP was founded. So indulge me for a moment as I ask – what is this “fair fight” that you want?…

Please Don’t Transfer the Problems

If the present rules, regulations and laws do not allow for stiff disciplinary action to be taken, then for our own good, please change the laws! Do not Manja Manja and undermine the Maruah of the…