2016: The Twin Challenge

Elite corruption not only undermines the faith of domestic and foreign investors in the economy but it also subverts the people’s trust in their leaders --- the single most important factor that…

Jangan Main-Main Dengan Undi Kita

Oleh Thomas Fann Negara kita adalah negara demokrasi, hak memilih jenis kepimpinan dan masa depan negara adalah hak asasi kita. Tiada sesiapa pun harus berfikir mereka boleh menafikan hak kita…

2016…a time for change

It is futile fighting hatred with hatred. Angeline Lesslar Several news articles in both traditional and social media caught my attention over the past week. One was about Muslims shielding…

Incorrigible sexist

From the latest report (READ HERE), looks like Sharul Nizam still does not understand the gravity of his actions. He went on to comment about women's monthly period in another feeble attempt at…

Why I Am Critical of G25

If we continue to shove aside those that are not aligned to our specific ways, then Islam will eventually be a topic dictated by a small group rather than being a religion where all individuals…

Raja Petra, Stop Living In Denial

I never insulted Islam as you claim, unless insulting PAS is insulting Islam to you. If that is the case, then the Umno you strongly support have done it many more times than I did. Karamjit…

UMNO-PAS Could Be A Game Winner For BN

Although PKR vehemently denies that PAS is working with Umno, Najib’s matching pink outfit with PAS’s Abdul Hadi Awang at the opening of a conference for al-Azhar University alumni definitely…

Why Was The 1MDB Issue Blown So Big?

The opposition spent the whole year harping on an issue, and they failed to do anything positive from their end. In summary of their achievements in 2015, they can only say they exposed this and…

That feeling of being left out

The speech focused a lot on party loyalty and disputes and the appeal for support for leadership. But the rakyat are concerned with insidious inflation. Tan Sri Ramon Navaratnam UMNO…

Is Malaysia an Islamic nation?

Tajuddin Rosli Our beloved country Malaysia is plagued with so many problems in recent times. The problems range from alleged corruption involving enormous amount of money to the dress code at…

Harapkan ustaz, ustaz tidak amanah

ANTARA ayat yang selalu dibaca oleh ustaz ketika berkhutbah Jumaat ialah: "Sesungguhnya ALLAH SWT memerintahkan kamu semua supaya memberikan amanah kepada ahlinya…". (Surah An-Nisa': 58)…

Mahathir is Obsessed With Najib

Tajuddin Rosli At the age of 90 years old, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad has become fond of Malaysia’s current premier Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak. Najib has hit Mahathir’s ego so bad that the latter…

Racism in Shah Alam

I will be warning all my friends from around the world to steer clear of areas such as Shah Alam when they visit KL Wayne Parry I am an Australian who is travelling around South East Asia…

Where is Democracy?

What we see in Lim today is exactly what we saw in Mahathir. No wonder senior Lim does not mind slapping himself in order to lure Mahathir. Jason Chin Joseph Stalin was arguably the most…

McCarthyism in Malaysia?

Television and newspapers editors knew about this, but chose to stand at the sidelines and sadly, a majority of them threw their self-respect away and supported McCarthy’s witch hunt. Choo Sing…

When Pakatan needs Barisan

By Mak Khuin Weng There has been a lot of talk about how Barisan Nasional is weak but a weaker Opposition meant that this weakness could not be taken advantage of. Is BN really weak? BN…

The Pakatan Logic II

Karamjit Gill With every passing day, the Pakatan coalition is becoming more illogical. Is apocalypse the only final destination? Is there any hope for the future? Sulu Sultanade The…