Complex Pakatan

What if DAP-Amanah-PKR-PAS does form the government? Each and every state might be having its own set of rules and regulations. Jason Chin Malaysia’s opposition coalition is embroiled in…

Isn’t PKR a party with moderates?

Not at single ‘moderate’ PKR leader rebuked Imran’s inconsiderate comment. Karamjit Gill PKR’s Mohamad Imran Abdul Hamid’s comment on ‘sexy attire’ dressing of athletes while sporting is as…

Mahathir Still Envisions Being in-Charge

Mahathir definitely sees himself as a member of his supposed ‘council of elders’. Has he thought what will happen after he is gone, and there is a new prime minister? Najib would then be on the…

Why UMNO Edges into Irrelevance

For UMNO, this is the bottom line; if you want to be the generation that brings this grand old party down into irrelevance, then continue threatening those who disagree with you. Syed Saddiq…

The Equality Conundrum

One can never pick and choose equality. If you terribly want to be equal, you have to accept everyone. Ron J. Backus "In Malaysia we have three major races which have practically nothing in…

Why The Stern Action With Vape?

Today, politicians are saying the MOH is going to lose votes for the government, so allow vaping culture. Tomorrow you are going to say that rempits should be allowed to race too because you need…

Integrity of PAC must be respected

Media statement by Arul Kanda Kandasamy, President & Group Executive Director, 1Malaysia Development Berhad I refer to the recent ruling by Dewan Rakyat Speaker YB Tan Sri Pandikar Amin…

Press statement by SRC International

1. Further to our statement dated 21 October 2015, SRC International would like to emphasise that the entire RM4 billion we have loaned from KWAP on normal commercial terms is fully accounted for…

Conspiracy of The Conspirators

If you think the Opposition is going to successfully oust Najib soon, please go ahead and continue dreaming. Nothing will happen because the only thing you are guaranteed for are more…

Saifuddin Should Have Remained In UMNO

An UMNO member continuously speaking up against the leader of his organisation, highlighting the wrongs carry much more value than doing the same under the Opposition's banner. Karamjit Gill…

Mr. ISA slams SOSMA

When Mahathir said the Ringgit will not improve until Datuk Seri Najib Razak resigns he actually indirectly told us that he will continue to mastermind the destruction of the country’s economy by…

ISA vs SOSMA: Which is the Lesser Evil

Jason Chin Issues regarding the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act 2012 (SOSMA) has come under the microscope again with the arrest of Datuk Seri Khairuddin Abu Hassan and lawyer Matthias…