Mahathir Seems To Be Losing The Plot

Every time Mahathir takes a swipe at Najib for his supposed wrong-doings, Mahathir should realize he was multiple folds worse. Maybe this is nature’s way of making Mahathir witness the damage he…

1MDB cleared

“1MDB welcomes the clear statement from the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission, which confirms that no funds from 1MDB were transferred to the Prime Minister. We have always maintained that…


HASIL SIASATAN BERKAITAN DANA RM2.6 BILION Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) ingin memaklumkan bahawa semasa Pasukan Petugas Khas ditubuhkan, siasatan SPRM hanya memfokus ke atas…

Rakyat Harus Fokus; Ia Bukan Lagi Rahsia

Sedangkan di kawasan terpencil seperti ini dan dalam kelompok ini, rakyat mampu membincangkan isu 1MDB secara terperinci, apa relevannya apabila ada yang mengatakan isu ini satu konspirasi?…

React intelligently, not emotionally

All you need is one person to instigate trouble and all hell breaks loose. Past organisers have said troublemakers are implanted to incite trouble. Do not blame anybody because you give them the…


DATO SRI ZAHID HAMIDI MENTERI DALAM NEGERI 1. Saya ingin merujuk kpd campurtangan individu warga asing terhadap urusan dalaman di negara ini. Jika terdapat unsur-unsur jenayah dilakukan oleh…

KIT Siang’s defense tainted with fear

Whether Lim is directly or indirectly involved, his reaction insinuates that he had knowledge of the happenings even before Justo got arrested.  Jason Chin DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang has…

Should political funding be capped?

Karamjit Gill Across the globe, the most heated debate that has been going on for some time now is with regards to political funding especially when it involves an election. Every election is…

Malaysia Today Incorrect – MACC

Referring to news reports under the title "Return of the Jedi: The Return Match for Najib" dated July 18, 2015 and "Plumber Wanted: to plug the leak in the Special Task Force" dated July 20, 2015,…

Provoking PAS

It is fine if you cannot sleep in the same bed. It is not fine when your disagreement is fuelling the hatred between Malays and Chinese. Mak Khuin Weng Everything in Malaysia is going haywire…