Malaysia Is Destined for Doom

I am boldly saying that throughout all the countries I have visited so far, Malaysia is the worst because it is inhabited by bad politicians and even worse people. George Samuel I am a…

What the 1MDB scandal really shows

State institutions are so eager to support the ruling party they will appear to expend more urgency in finding out who leaked the information than whether there is any truth to the allegations.…

The pot calling the kettle black

Zainnal Ajamain Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad lambasting Anifah Aman for defending his own boss? What is wrong for him to defend his own Prime Minister? In this way he is defending his country…

1MDB never provided funds to PM

In reference to media reports published earlier today, 1MDB wishes to make clear that the company has never provided any funds to the Prime Minister. To suggest otherwise, as some media outlets…


Cheah Kim Huat There is something very wrong with our causeway today. It is missing something important and we have all forgotten about it because we cannot see it anymore since they are…

The Pakatan Stalemate

The only ones holding to their principles with regards to demise of the coalition are the members of DAP. The other two partners are in denial. They want something but do not want it as well. …

Can terrorism ever be morally justified?

When good is to be achieved, the end result is justifiable because the end always justify the means. Therefore, I wonder if ISIS militants hold the view that jihad is a legitimate method as the…

We Love The New Look Of Najib

Datuk Seri Najib is indeed starting to look like the Bugis warrior who is slaying all enemies of the country. Rasyhid Hamzan With disputes ongoing in both Pakatan Rakyat and Barisan…

The Entire FAM Should be Booted Out

Every time you think it cannot get any worse for our national soccer team, they are able to lower the bar further beyond imagination. Jason Chin The recent 6-0 mauling of Malaysian soccer…

DAP Perlu Hormati Pendirian PAS

PAS yang mempunyai lima ADUNnya dan juga PKR juga mempunyai lima ADUNnya memustahilkan Dato’ Seri Nizar dikekalkan sebagai Ketua Pembangkang kerana ADUN DAP mempunyai kelebihan yang sepatutnya.…

Bulan Puasa and Gambling

You all are so scared to do anything. Why? Is it because these outlets make good revenue for the Government in income tax? Md Shamsul bin Yazid I am shocked at all the 4D shops as well as…

The English Medium School – A Panacea?

It is because the schools both in terms of students and teachers have become mono-ethnic --- and not because of the language medium --- that they are no longer capable of promoting inter-ethnic…

PR Flip Flop Needs to Stop

Selangor was not entrusted over to DAP or PAS or PKR alone; it was entrusted collectively to all three parties. A break up equates to all three component parties betraying their collective…


When I read William Pesek’s latest commentary on Bloomberg View, I barely recognised the country he was writing about. He starts by referring to Malaysia’s “underlying economic distress” and…